“From Pestilence, Famine, & War: O Lord Deliver Us.” There’s an old Litany of the Saints Prayer book in our little old church that had this line in it that we used to pray.  It rings much truer to me now!  I remember being about 9 years old and asking my Dad what pestilence meant.

The chickens are really laying a variety of eggs. They must know Easter is on its way! We sure are going to miss attending the Easter Triduum in a church. But I bet Andrew and I will put our heads together and provide a prayerful experience for the children. It’s a blessing to have access to Mass using technology, but it’s still not the same.
There’s been a lot of book reading here. The heifers are eating happily in the background.
A new feed bunk was put together.
Bright eyed little girl! Social distancing is possibly down right pleasant when one has a Cutie pie chubby little chunk around to cheer up the whole family with her toothless smile!
Working on crawling skills.
Mint…one of my favorite parts of St. Patrick’s Day!
Tasty bacon from the Borup, MN cousins. I suppose we should invest in some pigs so we can have homegrown pork for sustainable agriculture.
The seedlings are growing!
They built a structure of blocks.
Enjoying his free time after his homeschool work.
Andrew texted out,”Have cow. Found churn. Make butter.”
Watching the butter churn.
Andrew sure appreciates Grandpa keeping a milk cow around. Here Andrew is adding salt to the butter.
Tidying up the garage now that he has some time for home projects.
Happy 4th Sunday of Lent! May you have a blessed week ahead!
Grandpa feeding the yearlings hay.
Jeremiah 29:11

✝️Does anybody else miss going to Mass? I really rely on my Sunday routine and miss being in God’s house! We’re going to “have televised Mass,” with some hymns by Andrew, we’re really hoping the Bishop will allow us to use our little country church during this time.”🛐