Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: November 2022

Happy Advent!

Happy Advent Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ!  We are so blessed!  God continues to shower us with miraculous treasures!  May you too feel the anticipatory joy that Advent brings!!!  O Come, O come Emmanuel 🎶

Fr. Mark spiritually feeds us when we are unable to be spiritually fed by Fr. Gary! We are blessed beyond measure to have access to such amazing priests!!!

White Purgatory

It has been tough going since November 10th.  This early, deep, snow has made everything so challenging!  Snow has it’s place… on a slope in a place far away from me. 😂.  Today, we weaned steers.  It seemed like such a daunting task, but as soon as our amazing help showed up, it all went so smoothly!!!  God is so Good!  Praise Him!!!

This morning began in the single digits. We had to warm up half way through weaning. Thank God my two nieces were able to babysit the young children. This young man enjoys outdoor work and is really becoming amazingly capable!

God’s Artwork

It’s 11 below, but I have to admit, God’s a good artist.  Like the BEST!

It’s hard to capture the beauty.
Lots of digging out to do.❄️💪🧑‍🌾
We just had to bake and ice gingersnaps to match the snowy weather! ❄️

Quote of the Day”He who labors as he prays lifts his heart to God with his hands.”–St. Bernard

🍁 November ❄️

Mother Nature threw us a curve ball.  My birthday had to be cancelled to prepare for a storm.   We were so blessed on Wednesday that after making 3 phone calls, 3 friends indeed!  Showed up to help move the cattle closer to home.  Once the storm hit, it took us a good part of a day to dig out. Thank God for tractor snowblowers!  Growing up we just had our no cab loader tractor…the cabbed tractor with the snowblower is a game changer.  With this amount of snow, it appears winter is here, the snow and cold makes everything so much more challenging…a good test in patience, perseverance, and optimism.  This is our 4th year here and definitely the earliest winter has come in those 4 years.  After trudging through the couple of feet deep snow banks this evening for chores, I’m going to seriously look in to snowshoes.❄️

Gearing up to head out.
We did sneak in a tasty meal and cake celebration 🥳
Boys have more responsibilities for 4-H this year.🍀

God Provides

We’re busy nearly every weekend in the Autumn trailing cattle, weaning calves or fixing fence.  We never know who God is going to send to help us. Today He sent another excellent crew, 10 riders total!

💙Father & Sons💙

💛📕❤️No Screen Zone💛📕❤️

We decided to try a “no screen zone,” this past summer.  We loved the results so much we’re continuing it on.  We are living counter culturally.  Praise Him!!!

Love it when I round the corner and see our children reading good books together.❤️❤️❤️. My most important prayer for all of my children is for them to attain heaven and I stress heavily how important it is to us for them to encourage each other to heaven too! I pray they pray for each other, hold each other accountable, and I hope they constantly talk about religion, faith, morality and politics. If they can’t dialogue decently about the important aspects of life, they won’t ever challenge each other spiritually. 🙏. My grandmother is still an excellent conversationalist at 97 years old. She taught me that the first person to lose their temper in a debate loses the debate. We’re working hard on teaching our children to be classy conversationalists, and reminding them often about Philippians 4:8.

All Souls’ Day!

Praying for you to be in Heaven Mom…basking in Christ’s Glorious Light 🕯️!  

Our wonderful priest is reinstating a wonderful tradition of blessing the cemetery and then blessing individual graves. It meant a lot to us to have this whole crew pray around the Jacobson Children & my Mother. 🙏. The Catholic Faith has so many beautiful traditions.

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