Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: July 2019 (Page 1 of 2)

Helping prepare supper!

Helping shell peas to add to the lettuce & spinach from the garden.
Anytime I can supplement supper with something from the garden…it makes me happy, General Tso’s Chicken, rice and sauteed peas which were from the garden. Frozen strawberries in lemonade and shelled peas (which taste like candy)…and the kids like to eat them raw. Add a little spinach and lettuce and we’ll call it supper!

Garden Progress & Fair Preparation!

Potential Cucumber for the 4-H Fair Exhibit.
Eggplant blossom.
Broccoli floret.
Cantaloupe are flowering.
Zinnias will bloom soon.
Master Gardener in training.
Checking out all of the cucumbers.
First little tiny beans.
Wanting to keep up with big brother.
Draft of his Drawing for the Fair!
Cultivating corn…that 70 has something a 7430R doesn’t…no payments!😉
We’re getting accustomed to supper on the porch, tonight’s menu… enchiladas!
4-H News


Grandpa got a new milk cow!  A Jersey!  I’m excited to see how the cream tastes!

She even came equipped with a bell!
A volunteer sunflower in the chicken yard.
A pop of color!

Making Hay While the Sun Shines!

Teamwork…one of the positives of Family Farms.

Andrew running the baler.
Grandpa running the rake.
Running a cold treat to the hard working men!
80 bales hauled, a thousand or so more to go.
Bathing his pony while we prepare to water the trees, pumpkins, and watermelons.
The 🦷 fairy has been busy…reminds me of the song… All I Want For Christmas is My Two Front Teeth.🎶
Uffda, I understand now why some European countries have outdoor showers.
Making sure Daddy has electrolytes and a salty snack this afternoon!
In God We Trust… for sure! What a beautiful hay crop we are getting!!! Amazing what moisture can do!
Our first little tomato!
One of the cabbage heads.


Nieces and nephews and aunts are so much fun!  Planning to attend the Medora Musical with this crew and Gietzen grandparents tomorrow!

So happy to have you here.
We had a couple of folks ask this last weekend if Skipper is growing…so thought I better post some pictures of him.
Racing Skipper!
Swimming lessons continue…
Kiddie pool… while waiting for big brother.
Haying the first field!
Watching Grandpa milk a cow.
Cucumbers are flowering.
I need to weed the garden again, but the cabbage plants are sure coming along!
Pumpkins by the potatoes.
First potatoes, sort of pulled out by accident when weeding.


I dropped a dozen eggs off with a friend who has a five-year-old son. She said,  “Joshua was impressed with the different colors of the eggs 😁”.  As I was putting eggs away this morning, I paused and admired them too.

A variety of chickens, makes a variety of eggs.


Shoutout for the Duppong farm located just north of us they have some pretty amazing fruit out there!  They have U-pick and they’re selling juneberries and cherries right now.

We had more rain last night about half an inch and so with all this rain we get time to pick berries and cherries! Haymarsh is sure lucky to have a lady like Renae around! I like to call her St. Renae.
Grandpa had a bull that went missing in action two days ago when we rounded up the other bulls. Don, our good ol’ neighbor called this morning and said the bull has been located. Don is such an old cowboy it made it easy to get the bull caught.
Letting the bull out.
The bull heading toward his summer job.
We thought we’d run some of those Georgia peaches over to Great Grandma Mary after we picked berries.
On our way home from Great Grandma Mary’s.
I sure appreciate all the hard work Andrew put in to designing and building our home.
Carmine Jewel Cherries & Juneberries!
July 17, 8:03 pm. That cloud looks like it has rain.
8:21 pm

Happy Heart ❤️

I love it when I look up and see my sons in our garden! I’m not sure why it makes me so happy, but it does.

Rain, again. Maybe Andrew and I need to research how to grow rice paddies.
Rainy day activity.
The rain cooled it down enough that we could have our first supper on the screened in porch!
Heavenly view! I like seeing those hills in the background.

Busy Day

This morning when I woke up I saw that it rained about ten hundredths and was working out the morning with the boys.  Since we couldn’t do much outside we were going to tidy up the house, do some fun crafts but all that changed… at 8:30 a.m. I got a call that our bulls got out.  Typically we turn them out on July 20th, this year we were going to try to do it the last day of July because we do not like April storms, but… the Bulls had different plans for us. There was some stress & excitement getting the Bulls back in where they belonged, but they got delivered to their herds and now our projected start date for calving is April 15th, 2020.  One of my mother’s favorite quotes was “Man plans, but God ordains.” So true!  This afternoon we attended our last baseball game for the season, our six-year-old said he had a ton of fun!

The two heifer bulls being “checked out” by the heifers.
Wind tower crews filling up the roads between our pastures.
Cousins & Teammates (the tall cousin played with the Midgets, the three little ones were Peewees).
A fruit truck from Georgia stopped in Glen Ullin. Peaches and cream! One of God’s greatest gifts to mankind!
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