Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: August 2021 (Page 1 of 2)

Happy Sunday 🌞

Off to Mass.

Diaper changed βœ…, Nutritious meal & Tummy full βœ…, Nap time 😴

(My prayer this Sunday is that my daughters, possible granddaughters, and great-granddaughters, and so forth, may always live in a country where they are loved, respected, and looked upon lovingly as daughters of God. My heart hurts for those infant baby girls, girls, and women who suffer around the world.)

Cow/calf pair & Bull

Today we rounded up a cow/calf pair and a bull.

Setting up the panels, we had to move them to two different pastures after we loaded them.
Thank you Tracy for coming and helping!
Here they come…
Good little stock man!
Gator loaded up and arriving at the next pasture.
Gathering the bull, had to use all sort of stock sense on him… He wasn’t keen on being loaded up.
Helped rounding up by providing deep meditation and prayers.
After everyone was loaded up he noticed a large spider on the fence.
This young man knows how to put up an electric fence better than I do, because he has been helping Dad all summer long.

School Days 🍎

The curriculum I ordered for Ignatius came in yesterday, so we were able to start today!

Making monster cookies for after-school snackπŸͺ
25 days oldπŸ’–
Mary when she was a month old.
Many of us are happy Andrew’s on the school board again.
Fun crafts work well to keep them occupied as I make supper. Thank you Marie!

Wheat Straw

We are grateful that my uncle offered to sell us his wheat straw.Β  The total amount looks bleak… we’ll be lucky to have 25 bales off a 150 acre field.

This windrow is 56 feet raked together.

Gentle Soul

We were blessed by a visit by a gentle soul yesterday!

I thought some of these explained well why agriculture folks do what they do. WRM is starting the year off by reading a book by Wendell Berry.
Fresh straw, Andrew & Co. Cleaned the coop on Saturday.
Not sure if you can see the detail of the chicks…but these are Ambrose’s. They are quite eye catching and unique…blue cochins, Easter Eggers, and a variety of cochins.

Youth Rodeo πŸ‡

Andrew and the 4 oldest were able to squeeze in a Youth Rodeo as summer comes to an end and school begins.Β  They all enjoyed the day…From goat tail untying to mutton busting to stick horse poles and barrels, each child had their favorite rodeo memory.Β 

Rain shower🌧️

We’re getting a rain shower tonight, I don’t remember the last time we had measurable rain.Β  I finally got around to writing “thank you cards” for the Baptism gifts.Β Β 

This is interesting… thought I’d share. This would be Lucy’s great, great, great Grandma and Grandpa, my Great Aunt Neva gave it as part of her gift to Lucy.
They all enjoyed helping Lucy open her gifts πŸ’
A bouquet of cute cardsπŸ’Ÿ
Rocket is turning in to a good looking little stallion.
Grandpa Bob and Uncle Chris, I can’t help but smile when I go in the garage, thank you again for all of your cleaning and organizing of it!

Baptism πŸ•ŠοΈ

She’s a baptized member of Christ’s Family!  Lucy was surrounded by helpful family this entire weekend who helped prepare the house for the Baptism supper, she has musically talented uncles who helped make the Mass extra beautiful and the Meyers sure provided a tasty supper for all to enjoy!  So many folks helped out in so many ways.  

Thank you Anna for the beautiful cake and Grandpa and Grandma Jacobson for delivering it!
Maria and children provided cute centerpieces for the tables and helped serve Mass and the cake to the 70 + guests!
Had a college roommate swing by! It’s so wonderful to see and catch up with friends! I wonder how many of us know how important our influence is on those around us? When we sojourner on this journey together we really do affect each other for eternity.
Andrew started a tradition with our first child of making after Baptism quiche breakfast… It is so delicious!

🐎 Memories 🐎

I hope when our oldest reflects back on his childhood, happy memories come to him when he thinks of his time spent with his pony. He didn’t get rodeo time in with her this summer, but he still has a neat bond with her.
“A New baby is like the beginning of all things – wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.”

Holding her is one of the coziest places in this world πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’πŸ’ž

Our neighbor delivered these a few days ago, she grew them, they are beautiful! 🏡️🌺🌸
Grandpa was missing a chain for three years or so, these cuties found it in the lot!
Since mom’s been a bit more preoccupied these days, she’s been so good about keeping herself busy, reading books, etc.
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