Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: January 2024 (Page 1 of 3)


6 month and 4 year old pictures. Andrew and I are blessed beyond measure!

β€œA smiling baby is nothing less than having a little bit of living heaven in your arms.” – Unknown
β€œThe smile of a child expands the universe.” – Charles de Leusse

Roller Skating

What a blessing for such beautiful weather in January! Living it up while we can.πŸ’›πŸ™πŸŒž
Dr. Mary and Dr. Lucy were supposed to be taking a nap but had to quickly do a life-saving surgery before they laid down for their beauty rest.πŸ˜‚

Food for thought πŸ’­

β€œJesus rebuked him and said, β€˜Quiet! Come out of him.’” In this Gospel passage of the exorcism of a demon from a possessed man, we see in the literal sense that Jesus saved a man from the affliction of demonic possession. But there is something more to this miracle. When Jesus drove out evil spirits, it signified that the control Satan had on the world due to the fall of man, the Kingdom of Satan you might say, had now given way to the Kingdom of God. This is our hope! We often allow the scandals, tragedies, and difficulties of our world to rob us of our joy. To the point: do not allow Satan to take you down this path of despair. Jesus was victorious; Satan lost. The problems of our day will give way to the triumph of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Jesus promised this and I will always take Him at His word rather than believe the insidious lies of Satan.Β  (Fr. Benz-St. Ann’s Parish)

A Christian Point to Ponder: β€œWhen I am worried, it is usually because I’m trying to do everything myself. When I’m at peace, it’s usually because I remember that God is in control.”

Gorgeous ❄️❀️❄️

I just had to grab some pictures on the way to haircuts. These pictures just don’t do the beauty justice. The sun hit the frost and it was “other worldly.” Just beautiful!

Quote of the Day”We shall steer safely through every storm, so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed on God.”–St. Francis de Sales

Feeding Time!

He’s really liking bale grazing. Feeding the bovine without using a drop of diesel! That rubber mallet he’s using shattered in on one of those really cold days.
We feel blessed that once in a blue moon Grandpa is able to babysit so that we can go on our favorite chore dates.🌹
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