Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: June 2021 (Page 1 of 2)

Coyote Hunters

Enough is Enough.  We had our third loss from predators on Friday, 3 calves eaten since June 6th.  Local ranchers suggested I call Game & Fish.  I met with a nice fellow on Saturday morning.  This morning they are out with an airplane, I’ve heard 12 shots.  I hope they are able to get the predators killing our calves.  The only losses (besides one premature twin) we’ve had this year was to predators.

The sharp shooters just reported, “We shot 3 down by marsh 1 east of your house 1 north east.” Hopefully that will stop the calves from being eaten.

Swimming Lessons

The little towns out here have only outdoor options… it’s supposed to be in the 90s this week…so outdoors should be fine.

The first strawberry ๐Ÿ“ from our garden for the year!
While a few of us were at swimming lessons, big brother hit a grand slam!โšพ

Rainy Sunday ๐ŸŒง๏ธ

After Mass, there was a goodbye meal for Father Zwack, then a heavy short rain happened.

Husband playing piano on a rainy Sunday ๐Ÿ’™
Marie sent them a craft to work on, a rainy day was a good day for it!
Daddy & daughter ๐Ÿ’ž
A few of the dianthus made it! They were transplanted from Grandma Jen’s flower garden, so happy some made it!
On Saturday, Grandpa and Dad worked on setting a corner so that we can move out pairs.
Headed to the Line Camp, we hadn’t been there this summer, yet. Such tasty treats and excellent sandwiches!
Sweet brother.๐Ÿ’™

Cherries ๐Ÿ’

Life is just a bowl of cherries ๐ŸŽถ…it rained about .65 today.ย  The fruit truck came to town and we picked up some cherries.

Delivering mineral and salt to the heifers earlier this week.
All 3 needed to open the gate ๐Ÿ™‚
A very pleasant game against Center.
Looks like Andrew’s on the school board again.


We decided to graze out the fields close to us. They were not producing like they needed to, after the herd has grazed it off we plan to replant something with a short growing season.

Andrew gets some nice views from his office…he also gets to see the boys doing their chores.
Took in one more big trip before our Bundle of Joy arrives. Was nice to see the cousins.
Fun to take the boys to the big city to a barber shop, it’s nice to see them in something other than my homemade haircuts.
Maria made a very tasty rhubarb pie! Thank you for putting us up.
Craft time while Daddy worked … Wonderful to have friends that don’t mind us stopping by๐Ÿ’–

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day, Andrew!๐Ÿ’™
The next best thing to seeing a brand new baby, is seeing the look on Andrew’s face when he gets to see the baby for the first time. This was the night (very early morning) Mary was born.

Working Calves

A very nice crew of Tracy, Ed, Glen, Nadine, Jim, Priscilla, Denyka, Kennedi, and Malachi came to help us work calves today.

Helping take lunch to the crew.
It’s amazing to see Tracy’s transformation, just a couple of years ago she did not know how to rope. She trained her nice mare and her roping skills have greatly improved!
We learned a greater appreciation of well-trained, calm horses today. Jim is one of the best ropers in North Dakota. His wife, Nadine, is a great help!
Andrew has become an expert brander.
Last calf. All’s Well that Ends Well!

Prairie Rose

My mother, even in her current state, was bragging to Andrew about her yellow prairie rose bush.ย  My Dad hopes we take some to transplant in our yard.ย  They sure handle drought well.

These roses were transplanted from my Dad’s mother’s yard, who transplanted them from old Pete Gietzen, who transplanted them from Gregor Kastner. The latter two gentlemen have been deceased for decades, sort of neat transplanting plants, sort of people’s legacies.
Simon’s peas are growing.
His beans are coming.
Cabbage with “sacrificial” radishes. The bugs will eat the radish leaves instead of the cabbage.
Tiny cucumber plant.
Tomato plant.
Buttercup squash with volunteer dill.
Ambrose planted these onions all by himself, it’s pretty windy, but the rows are really straight and neatly placed…mind of an engineer!
Bases were loaded and he got them all home.โšพ


Inspite of a jailbreak of the heifers last night, we still had time to take the children to the zoo.ย  ย Since all work and no play makes people dull we want to make sure we give the kids some outside the farm experience. Through St. Isidore and St. Francis’ help the heifers were located after church and all except one are back in their pasture.ย  The one left is in our neighbor’s pasture and we’ll have to get her later.

Part of the herd that decided to knock a gate down and get out last night. We feel blessed that all are located and almost all of them back in the pasture.
She’s getting so big, so fast.
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