Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: June 2023

Baby Chicks 🐀πŸ₯🐣

One would think it is either Christmas or Easter here… children seem to go just wild over Baby chicks.

Early morning drive to Post Office with Daddy to get the little Cuties.πŸ₯
πŸ’– Our Darlings ready to attend Mass for the Sacred Heart of Jesus.πŸ’–
Blast from the Past …my phone brought these up today from almost 10 years ago. One of the safest spots to be … between two tough Polish Ladies πŸ˜‚. Prayers that Great Aunt Margie (Lady on the left) is basking in Christ’s Eternal Glory.πŸ™
Our oldest with his paternal Great Grandmother. 10ish years ago.

Dead Center Jesus

Jesus, please help us keep you front and center of our lives always!

What a week and a half, prolapsed cow, sick colt, coyote eaten calf…we like our Veterinarian, but would rather see him only on social occasions. I guess without these weeks, we wouldn’t know what the good ones are like.

Finished seeding the final field on Saturday.
Uncle/Brother Gabe came out with his tractor and beautified the tree rows with his nice little tractor.
Helping Mom plant her 🌺 around the πŸ“«.
Mommy’s good, little helpers.
She loves helping with the flowers.
Sunday Rootbeer 🍺 Floats.
Sunday S’mores.


After gymnastics Andrew and Ambrose went to take down an electric line…they found a huge bed of prairie roses and purple loosestrife…the bouquet they picked has an amazing aroma.πŸ’œ

God truly is the best gardener! It’s always amazing to stumble upon one of His Creations!πŸ’›
We were able to get in some gardening time… one of my favorite evening time activities with the children.

Quote of the Day: “All the science of the Saints is included in these two things: To do, and to suffer. And whoever has done these two things best, has made himself most saintly.”–Saint Francis de Sales


This past week we worked on getting most of our garden in… we’re having a friendly competition this year, more about that to come.Β  This Sunday afternoon we were blessed by my Kindred Spirit Friend!Β  The children and I really enjoyed showing her the animals and Andrew made a delicious supper.Β  God is good to put such angelic like folks in our life.

So cute! Thank you Marie!β­πŸ’›β­πŸ˜‡
Fun crafts….thank you Marie!πŸžπŸπŸ›πŸ¦‹
Hardest working 10 year old in Haymarsh.
My cousin John Paul made this, Grandpa and his brothers, the empty chair is where Uncle Mark would have sat. Quilts of Valor ceremony.

Simon’s sunflower 🌻 blossomed. His Religion class planted them in April and were told that like their relationship with Jesus and prayer life, if they didn’t water and nourish it, they wouldn’t grow in to the person God needs them to be. Such a great analogy!🌞

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