Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: June 2019 (Page 1 of 3)


Our beautiful home had it’s first experience with hail.  At 6:20 am thunder, lightning, hail, a strong wind, and a torrential rain hit and it was really hard to hear the hail pound the siding and roof.  By 6:30ish it turned to a more gentle rain.  We’ll assess the damage once it’s done raining.  I guess that’s why we pay for insurance.  Update: 9:05 am…the house survived fine.  The hay looks tough but hopefully will stand back up.  

Corpus Christi

What a blessed day! One of my favorite Masses. Right up there with Easter & Christmas! The procession was lovely.

Walking to Mass.
My cousin & his fiance gathering the collection.
The procession!
The forever talented Christi!
Eating some of the neighbor’s honeyberries.
My great aunt provided us with our first hostas, lily of the valley, and purple iris.
Mmmmmm, watermelon!
Sunday Siesta!
Hayrides given after the Corpus Christi Mass by Grandpa and Glen Clark. We led Simon’s pony during this hayride.

Windy Saturday

Well the wind still works. Good gravy it was windy. We did get a lot done in spite of the wind today.

Skipper rounding the corner with the boys as they head home.
Ambrosia the milk cow.
My three favorite Garden helpers.
I can’t help but to think of Grandma Irene Jacobson when I use this knee pad for weeding, it was previously hers… Once in awhile I say a prayer for her that she’s basking in the Glory of Heaven…I guess that’s one nice sentiment of hand-me-downs one often thinks of the person when you use them.
It’s tough on this fella to use anything but a John Deere mower, but we sure appreciate Mom and Dad letting us use theirs… Andrew had to change out a bearing and a belt but now it’s running fine.

Longest Day of the Year

This day is usually bittersweet for me… In the midst of enjoying the long sunny days I can’t help but want to start preparing for the winter that’s coming. Soon we’ll start putting up hay and other activities that in the end really are a preparation for winter. It was misty most of the day, but the sun came through in the afternoon and it really is a gorgeous evening.

Happy Summer Solstice!

Early Morning Move

A neighbor’s bull was jumping into our heifers’ pasture. Typically we have them in a different pasture but due to all of the wind towers going up things have shifted this year. So, we spent this morning moving the heifers to a different pasture.

The last load to leave the pasture. Typically we trail them with horses but with all the young crops we thought it best to trailer them this time.
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