The hail ate our garden.

Adventures in Haymarsh
The hail ate our garden.
Our beautiful home had it’s first experience with hail. At 6:20 am thunder, lightning, hail, a strong wind, and a torrential rain hit and it was really hard to hear the hail pound the siding and roof. By 6:30ish it turned to a more gentle rain. We’ll assess the damage once it’s done raining. I guess that’s why we pay for insurance. Update: 9:05 am…the house survived fine. The hay looks tough but hopefully will stand back up.
We had a nice day working with Jet.
What a blessed day! One of my favorite Masses. Right up there with Easter & Christmas! The procession was lovely.
Well the wind still works. Good gravy it was windy. We did get a lot done in spite of the wind today.
This day is usually bittersweet for me… In the midst of enjoying the long sunny days I can’t help but want to start preparing for the winter that’s coming. Soon we’ll start putting up hay and other activities that in the end really are a preparation for winter. It was misty most of the day, but the sun came through in the afternoon and it really is a gorgeous evening.
Our first strawberry! I’ll have to let it ripen, and it’s going to be an awfully small amount when I split it five ways for supper but it’s still exciting!
A neighbor’s bull was jumping into our heifers’ pasture. Typically we have them in a different pasture but due to all of the wind towers going up things have shifted this year. So, we spent this morning moving the heifers to a different pasture.
GU played a serious and intense Center team tonight.
He’s such a good worker helping water the pine trees Dad planted.
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