Watching the ducklings is fun! Simon is a blast to watch at baseball! We also got to sample the cousins snocones!

Adventures in Haymarsh
Watching the ducklings is fun! Simon is a blast to watch at baseball! We also got to sample the cousins snocones!
Well, after hearing about Clementine (aka don’t go in the water!), the boys and I drove the ducklings to the water. It was so fun to see and to hear the boys’ glee.
6 months ago, Andrew & I were so blessed to have our sweet baby girl!
Andrew ran to town at 6:45 this morning after we received a call from the post office, and he came back to an excited and cheerful house ready to greet the new baby chicks!
The boys were given a Christmas in June. A family friend had a bum calf that he did not have the energy to take care of, so the boys were asked if they wanted the calf. It’s been made clear to them that if they take good care of the calf they will be able to receive the profit. They are so excited to get to have a bottle calf. A happier crew of young gentlemen could probably not be not found in North Dakota today.
One of the barn cats had kittens! They were hiding, so I had to use the flash.
Grandpa and Andrew rolled up the first bales! Getting visitors is always fun even if it is just a short visit!
God gave us the Best Daddy!
I hope everyone had a wonderful start to their summer. Summer solstice was amazing out here, with a little bit of rain last night, mostly sunny all day with a slight breeze, it felt like Heaven & Earth touched.
Ambrose, Simon and Grandpa worked all day yesterday preparing the ducklings’ new home and moving the ducklings.
They actually worked all day last Thursday preparing the new duck coop site.
Hoping to get a good crop of high-quality hay!
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