Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: June 2020 (Page 1 of 2)

All in a Day’s Work

Watching the ducklings is fun!  Simon is a blast to watch at baseball!  We also got to sample the cousins snocones!

First batter up and hit the first pitch, great way to start the game!
1.5 inches of rain last night and this morning!
He just had to use his umbrella to gather the eggs and take Skipper for a walk.


Well, after hearing about Clementine (aka don’t go in the water!), the boys and I drove the ducklings to the water. It was so fun to see and to hear the boys’ glee.


Here’s a little clip for you!
I sure hope these three troopers enjoy sweet corn, they’re giving it their best to get some to grow. I told Andrew that we should hold a “Tom Sawyer contest.” Anybody can join, just bring $5, put it in a hat and have a race to clean the corn rows, winner takes all!
Andrew finished up the second field and is now cutting in the prairie grass/alfalfa field in the marsh. He’s making hay in the marsh…tee hee, get it, Haymarsh.
Ambrose got his first flower to bloom in his butterfly garden, “yay!”

Mary is 6 Months Old & Baby chicks have arrived!

6 months ago, Andrew & I were so blessed to have our sweet baby girl!

Andrew ran to town at 6:45 this morning after we received a call from the post office, and he came back to an excited and cheerful house ready to greet the new baby chicks!

6 months old!
Rhode Island Reds.
Red strawberries! We made sure that Daddy got the first one!
Snap peas.
6 months old today and getting a taste of a snap pea!
Snap peas…mmm!
These two brothers care so tenderly for this pumpkin plant that grew from a seed sent from the Minnesota grandparents!
Mowing a ditch.
Catching up on the day!
Such a sweet, bright, and happy little girl!

Christmas in June!

The boys were given a Christmas in June. A family friend had a bum calf that he did not have the energy to take care of, so the boys were asked if they wanted the calf. It’s been made clear to them that if they take good care of the calf they will be able to receive the profit.  They are so excited to get to have a bottle calf.  A happier crew of young gentlemen could probably not be not found in North Dakota today.

Bambi is what the previous owner named this calf because he is so small. Grandpa put a little bell on him. The boys are so delighted!
Ambrosia, a milk cow, will hopefully help Bambi grow into a fine calf.
Grandpa had a fantastic run mowing down hay today.
Andrew was able to go down and rake just for a bit after supper… The children, Grandma, and I delivered supper to Grandpa.

One of the barn cats had kittens!  They were hiding, so I had to use the flash.

I just have to share this out, my cousin brought this to my attention, I knew we were having a dry year, but little did I know that it’s been the driest out here in recorded history. Dryer than 1936, which was in the Great Depression!!! No wonder we can’t get anything to grow in the garden! & the sweet corn patch looks like I have been trying to grow creeping Jenny and thistles! Lord, we could sure use some rain! Apologies for the low photo quality, hopefully you can read the comment.
I ordered a halter for Twinkle, I’m going to have to order a smaller one. Apparently she’s smaller than I thought. This one will have to wait until she’s a yearling.
Proud of this young horse Wrangler, he’s very cautious, and learning to be quite the little horseman. He’s also a pretty good teacher, he’s helping his four-year-old brother learn how to be safe around his pony too!
I am not a deer hunter, and I do enjoy eating beef more than venison, but I’m sure some of our neighbors will be drooling over this Buck this fall. He casually crossed the road in front of us last night and then stood and grazed in the ditch.

Rolled Bales & Visitors

Grandpa and Andrew rolled up the first bales!  Getting visitors is always fun even if it is just a short visit!

One of my favorite Aunts EVER! Ambrose was lucky to see his Godmother today! It was a pleasant surprise to hear she was coming and I’m happy she feels comfortable to swing in and see us whenever she’s in the area. That probably goes for anyone reading this, if you’re in the area, drop in for a visit.
Getting ready to bat the ball tonight! He loves to run! Fun to watch!

Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

First Peewee baseball game was today!
Got to the game early to warm up!
Before the baseball game My Little Helper and I reseeded some sweet corn. He does an excellent job at paying attention to detail! Grandpa had soaked the seeds in some water overnight and some seeds are already sprouting! I’m going to have to remember that for next year.

Longest Day of the Year

I hope everyone had a wonderful start to their summer.  Summer solstice was amazing out here, with a little bit of rain last night, mostly sunny all day with a slight breeze, it felt like Heaven & Earth touched.

Such a beautiful morning! I’m going to pocket and save this morning for when it’s 60 below wind chill and I wonder why we live in the North country with frigid winters. A heavenly beautiful morning!
Turned the late calvers out to another pasture…it’s so fun to watch them be excited!
I’m sure every mother would agree. It makes me so happy when my children work together and are kind to each other.

Coziest Ducklings!

Ambrose, Simon and Grandpa worked all day yesterday preparing the ducklings’ new home and moving the ducklings.

They actually worked all day last Thursday preparing the new duck coop site.

The ducklings in their new home.
Checking on the ducklings.
Grandpa raking the alfalfa.

Haying Season has Begun!

Hoping to get a good crop of high-quality hay!

There he goes!
Andrew’s second job. Work ethic is one of his strong suits. I just hope he doesn’t burn out. The days are long this time of year.
A little over 5 1/2 months old and she is crawling!
Replanted parts of the garden today. Also got a lot of weeding done.
Baseball season has begun!
Blast from the Past! Those good old Newman Center days.
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