Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: November 2019 (Page 1 of 2)

The Last Bale!

We hauled the last bale to a hayfence in 2019 today.ย  A successful feeling indeed!ย  Andrew & the Boys held down the fort while Grandpa, Grandma & I finished hauling hay for the year.ย  A personal best of 131 bales hauled today!

Grandpa heading to get the last bale to be hauled to a hayfence this year. I’m pretty proud of our Good Little Minnesota Tractor, our pickup and Grandpa & Grandma’s hay trailer!
Heading to the field this morning.
It was a wintery day…but we got the job done… Praise the Good Lord!
Andrew helped me measure out and pin curtains after we ate supper.
The finished product! This was a fun way to wrap up November with my Better Half. He found an old curtain and challenged me to this project… I said if he’d do the measuring, I’d do the sewing… Thanks Marie for teaching me the basics of sewing!

Happy Thanksgiving!๐Ÿฆƒ

In Gratitude
Thank you, Father, for having created us and given us to each other in the human family. Thank you for being with us in all our joys and sorrows, for your comfort in our sadness, your companionship in our loneliness. Thank you for yesterday, today, tomorrow and for the whole of our lives. Thank you for friends, for health and for grace. May we live this and every day conscious of all that has been given to us.
From The Catholic Prayer Book, compiled by Msgr. Michael Buckley
So blessed to have this crew together. Luke & Raphael & Nicole’s Family were unable to make it and others had to leave early to beat the blizzard but we are feeling blessed for the time we had!
Godson & Godmother
Godfather & Godson
Super awesome ladies helped a ton!
Thankful for him…Master Chef!
Andrew’s pumpkin pie!

Homeward Bound

We had a chilly cattle drive this morning.  I’m happy we were able to get it completed before rain, sleet & snow hit!  Now back to getting those bales hauled!

Coming up to the gate.
More coming up.
Here they come!
In cattle paradise! Their winter pasture.
They finished up, cleaned up, and left today!
Not sure what Grandpa’s plans are for this place, but it sure puts a facelift on the farm.

Hay Hauling & Chores

Just a couple hundred more bales to go & I love seeing the Brothers being responsible boys doing the night chores!

Getting through the hay hauling… hopefully we will beat the winter weather that we may get at the end of this week.
Heading out to chores.
Coming in from chores!
Another fun Storytime project.
Dark comes early… game time! UNO!
Even holding a pumpkin above his head!

Christ the King

Happy Christ the King Sunday!

Hanging lights while there is warm weather!
“Helping” Dad.
It was decided football was more fun!
Brothers having fun!
The Christmas light hanger is being watched!
We love Sunday company! Blessed to have our New Brighton, MN friends here today!

Giving Thanks

Thanking God for so many reasons…one of them is sunshine and nice weather!

Simon’s 4-H club made a turkey for the nursing home.
When I was young there was a saying, “Air Jordan”… we have an “Air Ambrose!”
Heading home after hauling hay.
The boys made cute photo frames at Storytime.
We thought during the month of November we should stop by the cemetery and pray for the holy souls in purgatory… I hope someone someday will do the same for us.
A good bale hauling day…111 bales! Beautiful weather!!!
Grandpa’s at the point in his life when he can do some building improvements. He had his “old house” tidied up exteriorly.
Fixing fence with Daddy on the winter pasture.
Big brother reading to little brother so Mom can prepare supper. Such a big helper!

Beautiful Catholic Wedding

Well…I’m officially ancient.ย  The cousin, whose diaper I used to change was married yesterday in Beach, ND, the reception was in Medora, ND.ย  It’s always nice when a wedding is like a family reunion.

My 7 year old niece took this picture.
The musicians sang & played beautifully!
Kaila & I. Our growing families seems to run parallel…the children have been born within months of each other!
Caterer extraordinaire! 450ish guests to feed…no problem!
The boys enjoy spending time with their girl cousins. At home, due to a lack of sisters, they don’t get to experience a whole ton of feminine genius.


Blessed to ring in another year of life with excellent food, fun adventures, & perfect company to accompany me today!

“Birthdays are good for me. The more I have, the longer I live.”
A fun, good hearted crowd.
Andrew made tasty Asian food & Medora brought yummy punch!
Cousins & yummy pho!
Andrew… spoiled by his folks.
Fun at the Craft Fair with Grandma!
“Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.” – Mark Twain
“The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age.” -Lucille Ball
“Grow old along with me! The best is yet to be.”
-Robert Browning

Herd Watching & A Home Improvement

We are enjoying watching our calves, that were weaned last weekend, explore the cornfield and the oats field.  Andrew said, it’s like living by a big fish bowl, watching the calves is fun.  They definitely have their routines and different calves like to hang with certain calves.

Last night at sunset. They are heading for water.
Out grazing as the sun sets.
This morning’s sunrise.
Heading out for breakfast.
Eating their fill.
Nap time!
He made us a coat rack!
Ambrose picked out the hooks at Lowe’s yesterday!
We will appreciate this handy home improvement, this weather encourages alot of layers.
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