Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: April 2020

Patron Saint for Rain?

Everyone has the spring itch…we all want to get to planting!  It’s quite dry and I figure I should start asking for intercessions for gentle rainshowers.  Tonight was one of those evenings straight from heaven.  Beautiful!

Tonight’s sunset.
Watering the tulips, daffodils, and yard plants, it must be dry!
Helping prepare the garden.
Andrew plowing.
Grandpa plowing.
Teaching the little one how to ride bike.
First meal on the porch for the year.


Andrew and I got our first set of twins this year! It’s been a couple of years since we’ve had twins.  I think Grandpa had a set last year.  Thank goodness it’s an older, bigger cow because both those calves are decent size!

4 months old!

Our little sweetheart turns 4 months old today!

Making the world a brighter place one smile at a time!
Andrew was able to finish up chisel plowing this field yesterday.
We had to say goodbye to Brownie yesterday, the dog in this picture. This is one of my favorite pictures of him, he was always a loyal friend… That accompanied us wherever we went. He was 20 years old.

“The average dog is a nicer person than the average person.” – Andy Rooney

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” – Roger Caras

“Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.” – Unknown

“Dogs die. But dogs live, too. Right up until they die, they live. They live brave, beautiful lives. They protect their families. And love us, and make our lives a little brighter, and they don’t waste time being afraid of tomorrow.” – Dan Gemeinhart
Andrew’s favorite picture of Brownie.
Hope there’s a dog heaven and hope you’re in it.

Rain! Beautiful, Beautiful Rain!

This is a heavenly sent, welcomed sight!  It’s been windy, hot and dry.

💙”How can there be too many children? That is like saying there are too many flowers.”
Mother Teresa❤️
O God, the creator of all things, you framed the law of labor for the human race. Graciously grant, by the example and patronage of St. Joseph, that we may do the work you provide us and earn the reward you promise. Sustain us with your grace to live up to our duties in charity and justice. Amen.

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.”
Robert Louis Stevenson

Cow checking crew💙

We went out this morning to find four brand new calves! All healthy and happy in this Summer like weather.  It seems like when the weather is beautiful like this the calves are up and running minutes after birth. 

I think those little British White calves, with their black noses and ear tips and hooves are just the cutest little things!
Love this cow checking crew.💙. Even if Simon is camera shy.
Some serious scholars 💻
She’s such an inquisitive little girl, she likes to discover and explore new sounds and fabrics.
Prepping the yard for grass seed.
Casting the grass seed.
Tulips & daffodils are coming!

Yippee, Ki, Yi, Yay

Back in the saddle again 🎶🏇🐴

We moved our heifers and leftover steers over to the sudan grass field that we were not able to harvest last fall due to all the rain.  We had a great crew of helpers and the move went well inspite of the wind!


A job well done!
All the little cowboys just had to sit on good ol’ Buster for a short ride.

Baby Calvies!

The calving season is underway on the MI Ranch!  Soon it will feel like Andrew and I will be meeting ourselves coming and going!

Cute little British White calf! My uncle Fred mentioned to me that he thinks we live in the “Tabernacle of Heaven, except for those wind towers!” However, they don’t bother me like they used to … I guess a person gets used to the change in the landscape.
One of the greatest joys in ranching is going out to the pasture and finding a new bouquet of baby calves!
Hunting for gophers with mouse traps. Reports have been that the only thing caught was a 7 year olds fingers. 🤨.
Tried my hand at coconut macaroons, oh so tasty! But one has to get them off the pan quick otherwise they are very hard to remove! These almost didn’t make it to dessert time. Everyone here enjoys coconut, so these were given the thumbs up🥥😋.
These articles were sent to Simon since he’s been training his pony.
These are some old time pictures! We probably won’t be “earring our pony” down, that’s an outdated practice.
I wonder if she’ll ever realize how much joy she has already brought to us? Or is that something only God knows? I took this picture last week but never got it posted. She is rolling around like a whirlwind and she’ll get caught in furniture and let us know when she can’t move anymore so we move her back to the middle of the room and there she goes again! She seems very precocious. When she and Andrew are chatting at night it seems like she’s trying to talk to him. I think she’s a Daddy’s girl.
Simon’s egg business continues to thrive! I never thought I’d see the day when orders had to be put in days ahead or we wouldn’t be able to fill them! If this world doesn’t straighten out soon, we might have to think about doubling our flock!
My pandemic boots! This is the first pair of work boots I’ve ever gotten brand new! Usually I’m using worn-out old tennis shoes with holes in them. I’m excited that these work boots will keep the cactus and cockleburrs off of my feet! + Protect them when large critters hooves find my feet! 🤎. Andrew asked why didn’t I pick ones with laces on them, I told him getting four young people ready to do chores twice a day is an accomplishment, and if I took extra time to lace up shoes the mob would turn on me!
He likes to wear his new birthday boots!
Tagging calves. Andrew always reminds me of such a great white hunter when he catches them.
Going in for the catch!
Andrew is a go-getter and learned about this strategy called cell grazing, ask him about it sometime. He purchased a mobile, easy to put up fence that he is using to divide our home pasture. It’s supposed to make grazing much more efficient and save a lot of grass/hay while at the same time providing the herd with plenty of green grass. If you zoom in on the picture you’ll see a bunch of black posts running lengthwise across the pasture. Andrew put them in over his lunch hour on Wednesday. He purchased some more of those posts and plans to put in more soon.
Watching Daddy change the oil, spark plugs, and put in a new air filter. Thank goodness Andrew knows how to do these things, that’s beyond my realm right now.
Ambrose loves stopping to say, “hello” to Speckles when we do our noon chores!
Please say prayers for the repose of the soul of Bill Schuh, his late daughter, Mary was one of my bridesmaids. My heart hurts for his family. A decade ago they lost Mary and now him. Mary to a tragic accident and he to cancer. Bill was an extremely admirable man who brought out the best in those he met.
Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.
May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

Happy Easter🐣

Jesus Christ is Risen Today!


Christ is Risen Indeed!


Happy Easter Everyone!💟

John Deere 70, 2 bottom plow, and Grandpa.
Planted potatoes on Good Friday! Gorgeous weather, 56 above and no wind!
Hard working fellows.
Harrowing over the planted potatoes to seal the soil.
We “helped” with the planting.
Schooling from home, Simon’s teacher asked if she could use this picture for the paper.
We moved the herd home early Friday morning.
All in the “calving out” pasture.
Trimming Jet’s hooves. Every time I trim hooves, I have a newfound respect for farriers and sheep shearers. That is some tough work!
Beginning of Easter baking.
Coming in from collecting eggs & gathering the mail.
Jet & Simon
A moon picture taken by Andrew on Wednesday night.
Tuesday’s Recess.
Simon bottle feeding Speckles.
Easter Egg Dyeing!
We found out last Easter that this miraculous gift from God was on the way… now she is helping celebrate by dyeing an Easter egg!💗
Russian Easter Egg, Thank you Marie!
Such a good Daddy!
Andrew and his silly comments on the eggs…can you find the 🌞, 🥕,and baseball?
The makings of orange and caramel rolls 😋 Easter victuals, yummy!🍞🍖🥚🍩🍽️💛
Caramel Rolls! I Thank the heavens above that Andrew is comfortable in a kitchen!!!
Orange rolls!
Poppy Seed Bread!
Easter Bread!
Happy Easter!

Blizzard and Birthdays

We had a winter storm on Thursday. We also celebrated two birthdays this week!

The horses are standing with their backs to the cold wind and snow!
Brrr! It was a cold walk to the mailbox!
He turned 7 & we zoomed with the Montevideo Family.
The little man holding the cow turned 2 on Saturday!
She rolled back to front on Friday! & She’s working on teeth! 3 months, 1 week old on Thursday.
Show off!
A horse cake.
A picture from 2 years ago.
A cute poem.
Since some of you may have extra time to read, my dad is having his articles run a second time in a local paper. If anyone is interested in one of his books, he has them for sale. I will post the first four articles.


We celebrated two of our children’s birthdays this past week! Made me think of a person who has helped me in many of my celebrations by providing amazing cakes! I thought I would share some of my aunt Anna Brown’s masterpieces.

2007, our wedding cakes!
2011, Andrew turned 30!
💜 Your work is amazing Anna!💖

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