Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: September 2023 (Page 1 of 2)

Friendly Competition

Father Benz asked us to help him start hospitality and fellowship after Mass, so Andrew and I decided to each bake 24 homemade rolls.

Momma’s pan.
Daddy’s pan.
Our Baby just rolled! “The only easy day was yesterday!”-Favorite quote from a seasoned father.
The finished product.

Well Read Mom

It’s Awesome journeying with these Ladies.Β  Grateful for Andrew’s support for WRM.

National Son’s Day! So blessed to have these 3 young boys with dapper haircuts call me Mother.πŸ’™

Quote of the Day”When you awake in the night, transport yourself quickly in spirit before the Tabernacle, saying: ‘Behold, my God, I come to adore You, to praise, thank, and love you, and to keep you company with all the Angels.'”–St. John Vianney

Lonely Bull

We moved cattle last night and this bull was in the corner by himself. He was being stubborn so one of the riders roped him and we loaded him up.

With all of the rain this fall, and the mild temperatures, the potted flowers are still growing.


Andrew thought of a wonderful farm improvement!  There’s now a hydrant by the chicken coop to make it easier for us to take care of them.

Autumn weather means baking weather.
One of Simon’s ram lambs.

National Daughters Day! How we cherish and love these daughters of ours!!!πŸ’–
Missing Mother today, so grateful and happy that she was open to life so that I could be her daughter. I always remind my children that they have two mothers, Mary in Heaven, perfect and will never fail them, and their earthly mother, myself- a work in progress, but giving my all to get them to Heaven.

Last Rose 🌹of Summer

Andrew played one of my favorite songs to me on his trumpet and we read the poem by Thomas Moore.  We feel that our Grandmas and Great Aunts must sometimes feel/have felt like the last Rose of Summer.  God bless them.🌹

& for a little Catholic humor.πŸ˜…
After our 4-H meeting, we arrived home to Andrew’s fried tomatoes and roulade. Amazing!πŸ˜‹
More tomatoes picked from the garden by our oldest.

Fruits of the Holy Spirit

A lot of the appreciation of food lies on presentation, I think.
From Mom’s funeral, it’s really growing.
Fr. Benz gave us a watermelon, πŸ‰, I’m always amazed at what our short summers are able to produce.

Best chicken soup ever! A hen of ours was eating eggs. My goodness, Andrew made the most wonderful tasting lunch.
Look at Grandpa’s colt! What a dandy!

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