Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: August 2022 (Page 1 of 2)

Horse Shortage?

❀️Life is beautiful!❀️
One of our Black Giant hens just debuted 12 baby chicks.
Farm Fresh: our favorite meals are ones we raise. πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’šGreen beans, potatoes, corn, cucumbers from our garden. Yogurt – homemade. Beef roast from our herd. Farm Livin’ is the Life for Us!πŸ’›πŸ’›πŸ’›β€οΈβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
I foresee much vegetable processing in our future.

An encouraging note from my Dad’s cousin, who just happens to be Miss North Dakota 1986:::

Hey Monica! Thanks for the note! We are in Mlps now and heading to Milwaukee tomorrow. Thanks for your hospitality- you and Andrew are such a breath of fresh air in the current parenting scene! I really enjoy the atmosphere of your home and family. Love to you and blessings on your school year. If it’s okay with you, I will try and write to your kiddos during the year- like “pen pals” of yesterday! They are all so sweet. X0

His teacher just sent this out.πŸŽπŸ’™πŸŽ


A hot, but fun family day supporting healthy habits/hobbies.Β  These youth rodeos are fantastic, they really support children building confidence in themselves.

Rodeo crew: Mass first, then off to the rodeo.
Sheep riding chutes. Our 6 year old and 4 year old enjoyed this!
Our 2 year old!
Our 9 year old, goat untying, ask him about his place and the payout!
Flag race, Jet and Star were ridden by the 9, 6, and 4 year olds.
This is from Friday…just too cool not to share, apparently during morning chores this Monarch butterfly landed on his arm, then moved to his hat!


Andrew and I have begun reading this series in order to help our children maintain their sexual purity and integrity. With over 50% of couples attending marriage prep in the Bismarck Diocese choosing to live in mortal sin by “shacking up” together before marriage, 85% of men and 33% of women addicted to pornography and masturbation, and a pornified culture that we live in, we thought it was time that we start doing our homework in order to prepare our children for the spiritual battle ahead. Proverbs 22:6 Pray for us please as we hope to attain 100% of our children remaining sexually pure and maintaining their sexual integrity and gain eternal life.

Research shows that open dialogue with a trusted adult that does not shame them, most likely the mother and father of a child, will help the child/teenager/adult stay out of sexual sin… I hope to implement ceaseless praying and start integrating fasting days for my children to maintain their purity… It seems once someone’s sexual purity is compromised they lose their dreams, their ability to throw their shoulders back and stand up for what is right in life probably since their focus is on their sin. They also really appear to struggle going about doing God’s work. In addition, it seems they lose their chance at having good, intimate friendships that will lead them to God.

If you have any good spiritual reading for us to add to our list we are open to learning every strategy possible to keep our children out of sexual sin in this pornified culture. We call upon the intercession of Mother Mary daily, have taught the children about St. Maria Gorreti (a girl who gave her life for her purity), St. Aloysius Gonzaga (an excellent model for boys/men to fight the deadly sin of lust). We model and provide monthly confession in our beautiful Catholic Faith, to hopefully teach the children to utilize this great Sacrament, so if they stray, they may quickly reconcile to God and His Love! Most of All we try to show them how to have an intimate relationship with Jesus, so they know they are loved beyond measure by a friend who will never abandon them. With that, hopefully we can exemplify Christian Joy, because isn’t having joy the best way to live! We will continue to strive to give our children purposeful work since an idle mind and idle bodies are the devil’s workshop, at the same time finding healthy hobbies and habits to maintain the good fun we all desire. So we appreciate any prayers you can give us as we embark upon this journey. All for the greater Glory of God!


These boys were lucky to have the Jacobson Grandparents, Grandpa Gietzen, the Meyers and the Gietzen cousins at the Fair to support and encourage them in their first sheep showing.Β  The boys, and their mother, learned a lot!


Who’s your hero?




The chicken coop is getting some footings.

O models of pious and virtuous married persons, St. Joachim and St. Anne! Through the wondrous blessing with which God rejoiced you when He chose you as the parents of the ever blessed Virgin, the mother of our Savior, obtain for us, we beseech you, the grace to desire nothing but virtue and piety; that, in fidelity and love, we may share each other’s joys and sorrows, and together with our children lead such a life as to insure our entrance into the kingdom of heaven! Amen.

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