I was just commenting to Andrew that I don’t ever remember a year being this frosty! I suppose it’s the warmish weather and the fog that does it.

Adventures in Haymarsh
I was just commenting to Andrew that I don’t ever remember a year being this frosty! I suppose it’s the warmish weather and the fog that does it.
Growing up, my family had a horse who became like a family member. Andrew got to know him a little and our children have heard of him. In those days, we didn’t have our front wheel assist John Deere loader tractor so Rocky was counted on every day to help feed the livestock. My Dad just swung in with this old article he came upon…so I thought I’d share some history.
Andrew was able to check this task off his to-do list. He’s been wanting to hang his bookshelf, that he made in middle school, for quite a while.
We were gifted our treasured Winter Rose 🌹30 days ago! We’ve thanked God in prayer every day for her arrival and her continued good health!
I think there’s a saying that goes something like, “three months, three weeks or three days from a heavy fog there will be a storm.” But there’s something sort of magical about it.
Blessed to call these ladies friends.
After the last week and a half or so, it feels like we are experiencing a heatwave! It is 33 degrees, not a breeze, and the sun is trying to peek through the clouds!
We moved into our home.
A year ago, if you told this birthday man he’d have another child, and this one would be wearing pink, I wonder what he would have said!?!
That young gentleman shaking the Pope’s hand…yeah, he’s my cousin, my Aunt Virginia’s son…Fr. Anthony. He tries to say a Mass at St. Clements whenever he is here. I think it’s important to put good, young priests, who are doing their best to Shepherd the Flock well, in our prayers. I know we all need prayers, but somehow I think they need extra prayers to help them, help us.
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