Adventures in Haymarsh

Author: Monica Jacobson (Page 1 of 119)

Baling and Bale Hauling

We rode down to talk to Grandpa while he was clearing a field of bales. He enjoyed us swinging by…

Quote of the Day

“The Cross is the way to Paradise, but only when it is borne willingly.”— St. Paul of the Cross

When a 4, 2, and 1 year old shake out the tablecloth…😂

Good Reminder

Quote of the Day
“I will glory not because I am righteous, but because I am redeemed; I will glory not because I am free from sins, but because my sins are forgiven me. I will not glory because I have done good nor because someone has done good to me, but because Christ is my advocate with the Father and because the blood of Christ has been shed for me.”— St. Ambrose

Running Fence lines

It’s a cooker today, the Bulls are making a dip in a pool sound like a good idea.
We have to keep the bulls separate from the other herd, one bully had gotten to the wrong side of the fence line, he came back pretty easy.
He jumped right in to the pond.

Surrender & Embracing Our Cross

We experienced our 6th miscarriage. We were in the ER until 4:30 this morning. We thank God that Grandpa lives close to be able to be the emergency babysitter. We named the Baby Veronica. Andrew made a casket (he has made the casket for each one of the six.) Father came to do the burial this evening. We are blessed. Though we feel broken, our Faith has taught us that Christ knows All, is All, and will heal All if we invite Him in.

Marriage is Sacred, the Marital Embrace is Sacred, Life is Sacred, it means so much to Andrew and I that we are able to lay our deceased children to rest on Sacred hallowed ground.
Thank you Dani for the beautiful supper. Thank you all for the kind messages and prayers. We know we are loved. ❤️
So Beautiful! There was none of these gifts with our first miscarriage in 2010. The Church, a growing organism, has truly awakened to the pain of miscarriages. Truly wonderful how the Church and its family are giving sanctity to the unborn. God is good, ALWAYS. How marvelous His works.🙏✝️


Little Boy Blue come blow Your Horn the sheep are not where they’re supposed to be…🎶

Quote of the Day

“Everybody today seems to be in such a terrible rush, anxious for greater developments and greater riches and so on, so that children have very little time for their parents. Parents have very little time for each other, and in the home begins the disruption of peace in the world.”— St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta
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