Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: November 2021 (Page 1 of 3)

Happy 1st Sunday of Advent!

I do appreciate the Advent Wreath tradition.
Our new priest brought in a Kids Bulletin he hands out each week. My children are so blessed to have him shepherd them.
Hot chocolate and a ginger cookie after chores, right before nap time. Does life get any better than that?☕
It’s begun… there’s a man on the roof.💡
1 lit candle.
Simon and Ambrose decorated my arborvitae. Those sweet, sweet boys.❤️💚💛

Gingersnaps & Family Outing

I mentioned to the children this morning that when they smell Ginger snaps in our house, they should know something very exciting is coming in the next month! They heard that, and they just had to help bake… It was warm enough to bring our little Lucy along for watering the cattle on the first run today.

Enroll him into gymnastics before he ruins all of
the furniture?
Andrew and our oldest are out using every second of daylight. They are fencing so when we move the cattle home there is a fence to hold them in. Apparently our oldest found the hole for the tie😂. He really enjoys fencing.

Happy Thanksgiving 🦃

Father, We have gathered to share a meal in Your honor. Thank You for putting us together as family, and thank You for this food. Bless it to our bodies, Lord.

The potato peelers. Our 8 year old basically canned a batch of tomatoes yesterday, outside of dealing with the boiling water! I asked Andrew, what’s he going to do at 18???
35 guests were expected, due to unforeseen circumstances, only 27 will be joining us.
Little Miss Table setter.
The chef.
Our baking last night…
Apple pies.
Apple streusel, apple pie & cranberry muffins.
Ready to Gobble until he Wobbles🍁🤎🦃
Tallest cousin, 6’3″ & shortest cousin 23″.
We are thankful for…
Dessert after today’s Thanksgiving leftovers.
Sent to me by a friend.


Happy Feast of Christ the King everyone!  Andrew and I have been doctoring and playing pharmacist to our three youngest children these last 10 days or so.  Thank God they’re on the upswing.  I’ve always struggled in life and especially once I became a mother, with the fact that little ones have to suffer.  They’ve done nothing wrong, they haven’t sinned.  Why does the rain fall on the just and unjust?  Definitely a question I’m going to ask the Creator when I’ve departed from this life.  I’ve had some fun preparing one of the rooms as a “girls” room.

Wonderful Lady Saints to aspire to!
Preparations for hosting Thanksgiving has begun.
Andrew makes me smile, he said when he was shopping, he just had to get this coffee, he’d never seen anything like it before.


The cow was apparently chewing/sucking on the antler… apparently cattle will do that.  She got it wrapped around her jaw and one of the prongs was in her mouth.  With the help of two expert riders she was able to be rounded up and trailered and the antler was removed.

This young lady is a senior in high school… She is excellent help when working with the cattle. She removed the antler.

A Friend in Need & 7th Move

Our morning started with such promise.  No wind, sunny, and crisp.  Then @ 7:30, we got a call, cows are out.  Andrew, the three little ones, and I got them back in.  Grandpa hauled two quick loads of water from town but all day the herd was uneasy.  Then after Andrew and Ambrose took off to check them, it was decided that after they discovered 5 cows who brought themselves to winter pasture, it was time to move them….the move started after dark and 5 amazing people showed up to help with 15 minutes heads up…we were a friend in need today and we know our good neighbors better, we are blessed to have them.

A full moon to move cattle by.

A full day that ended well.

Here they come.
Are you able to see the cattle?

We had a hydrant have problems…Opp Well & Drilling came and made short work of fixing the problem.  

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