Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: August 2020 (Page 1 of 3)


With my Dad being the oldest of 15 children, there’s never a shortage of wonderful cousins that come and visit.Β  Today, we were blessed to have Karen and her crew come bringing us tons of treats and a beautiful bouquet.Β  They made the trip to see Grandma and I feel so blessed that Karen felt comfortable enough to swing in for a visit.

Karen, Caleb, Molly, Colby, and Savannah surrounding the Good Shepherd.
Karen, the sweetheart, brought a bouquet for our home.
Grandpa and the boys went to his friend’s farm and picked plums when I hosted my WRM group, Andrew processed some today.
Beautiful and tasty plum jelly.πŸ˜‹
We had an injured cow that we hoped would improve but isn’t and a bull that was recently injured and our local veterinarian recommended that we sell. So we with the help of Don rounded them up tonight.
Andrew checking the herd, they seem unsettled in their new pasture, so we will need to check them frequently.

Trail Drive

18 cowboys and cowgirls made for an easy trail drive this morning.

We woke up at 4:45 a.m. to get breakfast in, pack the lunch, and get the horses ready.
Crossing the highway, not one vehicle came down the road which was nice.
Final stretch.
A good day.

Well Read Mom

We kicked off, “The Year of the Sister” tonight.Β Β 

A bouquet from one of the mothers.
Each member that attended mentioned at least twice how appreciative they were that I was willing to host, it makes me think that sometimes we humans do things not realizing how important it is to others. May everyone reading this find fellowship, friends, and genuine sojourners on this journey of life to accompany them in growing closer to Christ to ultimately in the end attain Heaven!
I also need to thank my Dad and Andrew for providing childcare to make these evenings possible. It truly does take a village and a community to thrive!

Fastest Fence Fixer

Fastest Fence Fixer in the West!

He just pounded in 4 fence posts and stapled the wires down in less than 10 minutes. I think he left smoke on the barbed wire. We had two herds decide to mix on Monday evening…so there was fence to fix. Grandpa was able to fix some yesterday and the children and I checked the rest of the fence yesterday evening.
Big brother showing little sister how to push the car.
8 months old today!
She let go and tried to take a step. I bet she stood up a hundred times today. I guess that’s how those little ones build muscles and balance for walking.

Selling Steers & Autumn Colors

Here are some of the autumn colors in the garden & we sent our British White steers to the sale barn this evening.


One of Ambrose’s sunflowers bloomed.
Hoping to get a good price since we kept these fellas an extra 4 months to try to get the best price. They ate alot of feed so we are taking a risk there, but hopefully the markets are decent enough for a good price.

Hay Hauling

Mary, Grandpa, and I, left the farmyard at 5:15 a.m. for an early start on hay hauling before the heat sets in… It’s been mostly in the 90s the past 7 days.

Once the sun was up, the fog looked really neat as it descended on the valley.
We helped with early morning chores since we were up and at ’em already.
On Sunday, he asked Andrew to help him make a surprise, chocolate chip cookies!!!!πŸ˜‹
Yesterday, Tracy came to drive Lilly with Lark. Her horse, Ashley is injured, so she asked to use Lark for some hayrides she’s giving.
Simon’s teacher was my teacher! She’s a very caring teacher that takes her job seriously. I meant to post this earlier, I thought it was neat that she took the time to send him a postcard before the school year began.

Queenship of Mary

We enjoyed having Mass at St. Clement’s today!  Life has been full of adventures.  One of these adventures is named Ginger.

On our way to a beautiful morning Mass.
We really appreciate it when there’s a Mass we can walk to 😁
Helping ring the bell.
Our 4 year old brought his own missal without prompting. He’s very organized.
A wonderful, young, priest celebrated Mass.
She’s discovered stair climbing.
Four healthy, lovely, children sleeping soundly, a happy, full days work completed, candlelight, and the end of the sunset. Heaven must be wonderful if it is better than this evening.
Meet Ginger. The men in our family just needed this farm to have a dog. Ginger needed a farm. Simon said, she’s nice, but she’s not Skipper. I said no, she’s not, and she will never be. Skipper had strengths, he was the fastest farm dog I’ve ever seen. He had energy and a work ethic that didn’t quit! Ginger is calmer, a lot slower, but over time, I told him, he’d find strengths in her he liked too.
Ginger is very sweet. Her temperament puts me in mind of Nana on the Walt Disney movie, Peter Pan.
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