Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: August 2023 (Page 1 of 2)

St. Monica, St. Augustine, & St. John the Baptist

3 great Saints, 3 great Feast days! St. Monica, St. Augustine, St. John the Baptist, pray for us.

There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. – Winston Churchill
Shortest cattle drive.
Hauling oats.
St. Ignatius please pray for little Iggy, help him to always know Christ’s love and to always try to serve God well; pray for him to cling to his Catholic Faith and ALL of it’s beautiful, life/soul-saving Sacraments.
Methinks Grandpa had something to do with those drawings.

Happy Queenship of Mary!👑

Happy Queenship of Mary!

Another round up. So neat to see our oldest riding with the Cowboys and Cowgirls.
91 degrees today, 🥵
One of the inspirational ideas from a book I read encouraged a person placing spiritual reading books around ones house so that if one starts to “slump” or “drift” from Christ, it would be easy to grab a good book and find inspiration to readily take up One’s Cross and Carry On. Here are 3 I have readily available.

Out In The Fields With God

The little cares that fretted me,

I lost them yesterday

Among the fields above the sea,

     Among the winds at play;

Among the lowing of the herds,

     The rustling of the trees,

Among the singing of the birds,

     The humming of the bees.

The foolish fears of what may happen,

     I cast them all away

Among the clover-scented grass,

     Among the new-mown hay;

Among the husking of the corn

     Where drowsy poppies nod,

Where ill thoughts die and good are born

     Out in the fields with God.

by Elizabeth Barrett Browning


Trail Drive 🤠

Rounding up and sorting out two pairs.
Leaving the pasture.
1 Gator, 7 riders, 3 4-wheelers, 3 stock trailers, and 1 SUV to make sure the cattle herd stays off the ripe crops.
Wheat. 🌾
Corn. 🌽
Simon riding Grandpa’s 2 year old filly, Blue.
The best part of this whole cattle business is the wonderful, Godly folks we have the privilege of working with; community is vital to happiness in life.

Soul Food!

Andrew and I were just discussing today how we would be able to better pray for each other and our children.  Wow!  Talk about timely “soul food!”

5 Lessons From God’s Creation Of The Family

Gotta love those Faithful Catholics! They really do try to improve the “human condition” of this life, through Faith, prayer, work, academics, etc.

Quote of the Day”Love Mary! She is loveable, faithful, constant. She will never let herself be outdone in love, but will ever remain supreme. If you are in danger, she will hasten to free you. If you are troubled, she will console you. If you are sick, she will bring you relief. If you are in need, she will help you. She does not look to see what kind of person you have been. She simply comes to a heart that wants to love her.”–St. Gabriel Possenti

Excerpt from book below…


Was super nice having Uncle Gabe lending us his expert help, I’m not sure Miss Isabel knows how capable she is becoming around livestock! Thank you both for helping out! The kids really enjoyed having Annika and Evelyn here too!
Gotta love those with a sense of humor!😂
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Grateful to God for healthy children, hoping we are able to teach our children to Know, Love, and Serve God. PROVERBS 22:6.
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