Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: September 2020 (Page 1 of 2)

Tomatoes πŸ…

Every third day or so, Mary and I need to glean through the tomatoes to collect the ripe ones and dispose of the rotten ones.

These are the tomotoes we collected today.
He likes to make the yard look festive.
Clever Daddy made a hose for a watering tub for us so we don’t have to work so hard keeping the ducks happy.
Watering Mary’s Maple 🍁
Likely the last bouquet of the year from the yard flowers.


The trees are a beautiful autumn bouquet right now.

Youth deer hunting season has begun and Grandpa’s Chiropractor’s daughter tagged her first buck.
We hosted Sioux Falls, SD friends and their children experienced Family Farm life for the weekend. Their 8 year old said she wants to stay, she likes the farm lifeπŸ’•
Frying up fleishkeukle.
Fleishkeukle & sauerkraut were part of supper on Saturday.
Chili for Sunday supper, with cooler evenings, Andrew’s chili tasted good.
Making chocolate zuchinni cake.
A family walk on Friday.
On Thursday my WRM book club exchanged garden produce after our meeting, this neat looking squash has a chestnut flavor.

Oak trees, Applesauce & Cantaloupe

Here’s some applesauce that Andrew made.
First cantaloupe from the garden.
He likes it.
These future oak trees are from acorns gathered in MN.
The oak saplings are growing in lick tubs (recycled tubs that previously held cattle mineral) and are supposed to be there for the first 5 years. This is their second summer in the tubs. Then after 5 years of growing, we will transplant them and I sure hope they grow into big, beautiful trees. I think it was originally Simon’s idea to gather the acorns.
We had a busy afternoon finishing the applesauce.
Here we are washing them preparing them to be quartered and then we cut out the stems and the calyx.
Boiling the apples.
After the juice is drained, the sieve is used to collect the apple sauce.
Using the above sieve, we collect the juice, before we use the masher.πŸ˜‹
The water bath canner.
Some of the finished product. Andrew is awesome, helping out after a long day of work!
Applecrisp, what a treat on a windy, autumn day!


We have Grandpa and Grandma Jacobson here for a visit!

We had a short cattle move Friday and picked potatoes yesterday.

Blue potatoes.
Andrew’s pet cow, Ambrosia.
Peeling and slicing apples that we bought in Montevideo and they so kindly delivered them.
He so proudly gave the surviving Cinderella pumpkin to Grandma and Grandpa πŸ’›

Baling Straw 🌾

Andrew woke before daylight to rake wheat straw.

Andrew snapped this picture and asked me if I’d ever seen a “fogbow?” We’re wondering if that’s even a word, but beautiful picture.
Good ol’ John Deere 820…most of it’s siblings are in tractor treks, this one still has to work.
Pinic with Papa. We took lunch out to Daddy and ate with him.πŸ₯ͺ
Gathering all of the tarps. Such a gorgeous morning, the fog lifted and it was just beautiful working weather. Definitely one of those mornings to tuck away and recall later.
Harvesting the green tomatoes.
I love it when they work as a team.❀️
Enjoys working on puzzles that he got for his birthday.
Yesterday was chilly, had to locate the winter hats.
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