Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: July 2021 (Page 1 of 2)

Bulls are Out to Pasture πŸ‚

The Lord is good. Andrew is capable. I think he made a believer of some neighbors. We weren’t able to use our typical bull pasture which made it hard for us, but with Andrew’s problem solving skills, he was able to keep them in a different pasture and with the use of electric fence kept them away from all the close herds.Β  Now the bulls are happy with our herds.

Hauling out the last load. Thank you Beth for coming and helping. Grandpa said you’re as capable as 3 riders.

A cucumber, an eggplant, and a zucchini

I feel like I should follow that line with, “walk into a bar…”. If you visit make sure you lock your car doors I think we have 150Β  or so eggplants coming.


He and Isabel picked chokecherries yesterday, if I’m motivated today, we’ll make chokecherry syrup.
They enjoy watching the goslings and ducks.
The chicks are growing.


Looks like we should get some bales from the Millet.

Spent a portion of today getting a cow on the right side of the fence.
The children are going to miss Chrissy the lamb.
One cabbage is almost ready.

Date Night πŸ’

Hauling hay with my honey.  He has a day job, so I don’t think I’ve ever hauled with him.  It was fun.

Stacking the very expensive hay, these bales would go for $250 each this year. I remember gasping when the bales were $50 last year.

Lamb sitting πŸ‘

This is a new one for us.Β  The cousins asked us to lamb sit for them for a few days.

Mary had a little lamb 🎢
Ever since this lamb showed up this morning there’s been much excitement about it.

The ducks and goslings like to come up and say hello to this hard-working man. We ended up with a decent price for the culled cows, mostly due to him sending them to the sale in such great condition. His endless work of mob grazing where he has to move fences every day, makes it so the cows are staying in really good shape. Grandpa is very good about making sure the herds have salt and mineral too.

Mary likes the little, little, Lamb.πŸ‘πŸŽΆπŸ‘
The lamb has been here for around 24 hours and our oldest is already talking about how we may possibly be able to start raising sheep.
The interaction is too cute.πŸ’–πŸ‘πŸ’–

Hard Pill to Swallow

We had to take a load of beautiful cows to the sale, another one will leave in the morning. The only strike against these cows is they didn’t get bred in the first 30 days with the bulls last year.Β  This year unless a cow is absolutely perfect they are being culled.Β  It can take decades to build a good herd and one sale to take a bunch of that work away. The prices are running from dismal to okay… I’m hoping for the okay side.Β  The price of hay is the highest I’ve ever seen, and the hay crop is not producing due to drought.Β  Last week we lost one cow to lightning, one cow found a bog and got stuck in it in the same pasture we rent, and one cow may have eaten a toxic weed.Β  A tough year to be in ranching.Β Β 

Some of these will be culled in the morning.
Simon and Andrew herding back the ones that will be picked through and culled.

Mercer County Parade

Off to collect buckets o’ candy 🍬🍭🍬
Grandpa driving Captain and Clyde with the help of Chelsea and Katherine. He also had his cousin, Miss North Dakota 1986 and her brother Nate with him in the covered wagon.
Guess who just had to take Jet and Rocket to Beulah? 🀠
Thank you for helping out Tracy, I’m not moving very fast in my current condition, so I appreciate your cowgirl expertise and making sure today went smoothly.
All done🍭

πŸ₯ Baby Chicks

I think he was the most excited boy in the Midwest! He’s been waiting for months for his assortment of fancy baby chicks from Murray McMurray hatchery.

He could hardly contain himself waiting for Daddy to arrive home from the post office early this morning.
See the feathers on their feet.
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