I know no other electrical engineer who is a Pied Piper to this many yearlings. It’s truly amazing to see how well trained he has these bovine.

Adventures in Haymarsh
I know no other electrical engineer who is a Pied Piper to this many yearlings. It’s truly amazing to see how well trained he has these bovine.
We sorted calves today.Β It’s fun when everyone pitches in and helps out.Β There are lots of opportunities on a family farm for everyone to feel needed and never feel alone.
Our oldest crushed peppers from last year’s garden.
With an apparent drought again. Ugh.Β Fencing is dominating our free time.Β Suppose, I best up the ante on the prayers for moisture…
Happy Feast of the Annunciation!
They say a family that prays together, stays together.Β How about fencing together?
Andrew designed electric fence padlocks in the marsh in order that we utilize every stitch of grass and grazing area with our yearlings.Β We use the horses every day to round them up and move them across the road.
I suppose it’s partly by my nature, and probably how I was raised, but I really hope to instill a love of reading in my children.Β A lifelong reader, of good material, is a lifelong learner.
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