Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: February 2023 (Page 1 of 2)

Soooo good to be fed!

Quote of the Day
“[Jesus’] body was for Him not a limitation, but an instrument, so that He was both in it and in all things, and outside all things, resting in the Father above. At one and the same time—this is the wonder—as man He was a human life, and as Word He was sustaining the life of the universe, and as Son He was in constant union with the Father.”
–St. Athanasius of Alexandria

Today’s Meditation
“See, you’re bought at a great price. We’re told that in Scripture over and over and over. Jesus died for you! And, because He bought you at a great price, you have to understand that you’re never alone. You are very, very special to God. But some of you who don’t understand that think that God doesn’t care. I get that feeling myself sometimes. I’ve said to Our Lord, “Look, don’t You care? Whose side are You on?” I have myself been disheartened. But, in spite of the difficulties within and without, I try to keep my eyes on Jesus and know that Our Lord and Savior loves me, knows me, and has chosen me to be great in His eyes – to be holy, to be saintly, to be compassionate, and to be good.”
—Mother Angelica, p. 44


Another baby baptized in this little country church!
Cousin Adam on the left. (Photo credit: Ambrose)
2nd cousins, Lucy and Marren.

Today’s Meditation

“God wishes us to be meek even toward ourselves. When a person commits a fault, God certainly wishes him to humble himself, to be sorry for his sin, and to purpose never to fall into it again; but he does not wish him to be indignant with himself, and give way to trouble and agitation of mind; for, while the soul is agitated, a man is incapable of doing good.”
—St. Alphonsus De Liguori, p. 259

Where penguins don’t tread…

-32 F this morning.  Andrew said there wasn’t a mosquito to be seen when he was doing morning chores.

The Pied Piper is back at it … He comes with feed and heifers/steers follow.
The chickens had come out of their freeloading loafer lifestyle, then this cold snap came and they went back to their old ways. We’re all looking forward to warmer weather!
Italian Dinner at Church last Sunday.
Accordion surgery.
Surgery was a success!
She’s 3!
Family Fun last Friday.
This was given to RE teachers.

Spiritual Director

In college a friend asked me if I had a Spiritual Director, I finally got around to getting one.  I feel so blessed to be directed/coached by such a holy woman!  She’s a Sister in a convent in Hankinson.  For Lent and beyond this will be my undertaking, pray for me!

Heavenly when Grandpa is able to babysit and we’re able to do chore dates.❤️🌹❤️
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