Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: April 2021 (Page 1 of 2)

Literacy Night

Simon and Ambrose had literacy night at school last night. There was a competition that for every book students read they were able to put their name into a drawing for a bike. Guess who won the bike? Not only does reading good material open your mind to empathy and understanding of those around you (gained knowledge of course, too!) but apparently one may also win a bike.

He’s pretty happy about his new bike .๐Ÿ’™

MN hay

We bought our first load of hay.ย  The closest we were able to find within our price range, was from our neighbor state to the east.ย  This is where the “Farming is the riskiest business,” quote comes in to play.ย  How much hay do we buy?ย  Do we need to sell cattle?ย  How many cows do we sell?ย  Will the skies open and the rains come?ย  Heavenly guidance is definitely relied upon.ย  We take it day by day, and week by week.ย ย 

The trucker was a very friendly man and the place that is selling is accommodating.ย  It’s good to hear that somewhere on God’s good earth is getting rain.ย  Apparently this place will deliver as far as Belfield, North Dakota.ย  When hay was being delivered there last week, over 20 ranchers stopped and asked where the hay was coming from?ย  ย This side of the world (Western, ND) is in desperate need of rain.

“O God, in Whom we live and move and have our being, grant us rain, in due abundance, that, being sufficiently helped with temporal gifts, we may seek with more confidence those that are eternal. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.”

St. Isidore, Patron Saint of Farmers, Pray for us.

Someday Andrew and I are going to have to invest in a bigger tractor, but for now that little John Deere 5425 does the job!
Grandpa said on the higher bales it felt like asking a boy to do a man’s job, but the little tractor got it done!
We feel blessed to have found some hay and it’s good to have something in the hay fence again.

Pastoral Scene

It’s really neat to see Andrew’s management, work, and efforts in action.  Made for some neat views and gives a person hope for the future.

The cowherd enjoys the rotational grazing so much they don’t even want to eat the hay.
Fencing crew.
He turned 8 recently so we were able to get some photos taken of him in his First Communion suit.
He turned 3 recently so it was nice to get some photos of him, too.
God has blessed Andrew and I ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’›!
The church photographer sent out pictures today, I think we’re good on family photos for a while ๐Ÿ™‚
Such a special day!

Homeward Bound

We sorted out the bulls (we’ve typically done this in the Fall, but we lost use of our bull pasture and are still looking for another suitable one) and moved the herd home.ย  We also had the pleasure of having company join us this evening.

Heading out.
The round up and sorting crew.
Sorting the bulls from the cows.
Peek a Boo as we wait patiently.
Here they come.
Crossing the bridge and rounding the corner.
There they go.
Lunch time!
Cousins ๐Ÿ’–
Wrapping up making orange rolls at 15 past midnight for Knights of Columbus Teacher and Server Appreciation breakfast. Andrew makes some tasty rolls. When do outstanding Dads and Husbands get Appreciation Breakfasts? Hats off to them for keeping this world go around!

Mob Grazing

Andrew’s been heading out after supper and working until approximately 9:30 pm, moving fence lines, making gates and preparing the next days grazing for the herd.

Grandpa, the two little ones, and I went to feed corn before we opened up the next grazing area on the ditch this morning.
Grazing down the ditch. This drought is going to make the bible verse John 10:27 more real to me. Already the cattle are becoming more comfortable with me being very close and happily walking through a gate that I open. Amazing how spending a lot of time around God’s critters (and people) allows you to get to know them well.
Ignatius, Mary and I moved the herd on Tuesday out of the tree fence, we found out that if we leave them on the trees too long, they prefer to eat the tender needles and sprouts instead of the old grass and old hay.
Grandpa made a beef tongue for Daddy, but this little man ate two slices before Dad’s lunch time. He thinks it’s delicious! Once I get past the idea that it’s a beef tongue, I have to admit, it is very tasty. There’s a reason why the buffalo herds were hunted for just their tongues.
โ€œThere are many little ways to enlarge your world. Love of books is the best of all.โ€ โ€“ Jacqueline Kennedy
โ€œToday a reader, tomorrow a leader.โ€ โ€“ Margaret Fuller

4-H Baking Class & Rotisserie Duck

Simon is partaking in a 4-H baking class. Yesterday, we had unexpected guests for supper and Andrew rotisseried a couple of farm raised ducks for them and Simon baked a couple of pizzas.

Measuring out flour for the pancake recipe, his first recipe he was assigned to bake.
He baked pretzels for his 3rd baking class.
His apron from his 4-H baking class. I will be forever grateful to Andrew for being comfortable in the kitchen. So, I will encourage all of my children to be comfortable in the kitchen.

โ€œAfter a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even oneโ€™s own relations.โ€ – Oscar Wilde

She and daddy picked a lemon ๐Ÿ‹ from our lemon tree today!

High Density Grazing

It’s that time of the year where we start the high density grazing.  Today, Andrew and the boys moved the electric wire so that the herd can continue to clean up the hay fence before we move them home.

Egg collecting crew.
Piano duet.
When the big boys are in school these two become the best of friends ๐Ÿฅฐ
Moving the wire from the grazed ditch to the hay fence on Thursday.
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