Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: July 2020 (Page 1 of 2)

God’s Abundance!

This time of year it is so neat to see the work and effort show forth in the garden.  God’s fruitful abundance is amazing and tasty too!

We picked our first picking of green beans from the garden today. I used them and a couple of onions for supper. Yum! Late last October, I swung by our neighbor’s house and she gave me two gallons of green beans that were freshly picked. She said jade green beans are the best she’s ever grown. We grew some this year. They are very tasty!
We wrapped up our NDSU class. The two oldest boys really enjoyed it.
Discovering acids and bases with pH strips.
Pony riding lesson.

Rodeo Prep

Now that baseball is over, Simon is doing some preparations for the rodeo that takes place right before school begins.
Taking time to smell the flowers. A sensible young man!
Pumpkins, Gourds, Zucchini are starting to flower.

All Hands on Deck!

Busy as bees this week!

Grandpa and Lucas hauled 147 bales. Lucas has been very helpful hauling bales and mowing the yard. He will be missed!
Barley got cut.
Some sweet corn is tassling and there are some very small cobs .
Baling the ditch.
Picking cherries at the neighbors.

Sunday Funday

Finding red strawberries.
Playing rockets!
Taming Twinkle.
That smile on that little girl about sums up our weekend!
If any of you are driving by Lake Tschida swing by The Line Camp & enjoy some ice cream. Some of the Saturdays this summer they are going to also have the Hearty Heifer food truck there for yummy tacos and The Little Bluestems play. Perfect late summer evening fun for a family!
Good music, good fun!

Cherry Jelly

We had a rain shower this morning, so we’re making cherry jelly and cherry fruit punch.

Sanitizing the jars and boiling the cherries with water.
After the fruit drained Isabel mashed the cherries through the sieve.
Measuring the juice.
Preparing the sugar to juice ratio.
Pectin and sugar added and reboiled.
Lids in place.
Water bath in boiling water for 10 minutes to can them.
Yummy cherry jelly ready for that fast paced school morning toast.
Mary’s two bottom teeth came through last week, and she sure will miss Isabel.

Cherry picking

We enjoyed picking cherries at the neighbors today.

Isabel said she enjoyed picking cherries.
Even our two year old did a nice job picking cherries!
All work and no play makes dull people, so we made sure to have some fun!
NDSU has a fun little program for children school age and we signed up for a science one to awaken our academic minds before the school year starts.
Part of the class deals with fingerprints.
3 riveting baseball games this week!
Our egg production this week has gone from 18 to 20 eggs a day to 8 to 10 eggs a day…I believe the culprit has been caught.

Butterfly Garden

For being four years old, he sure put a nice little garden together.  He will happily talk your ear off about it.

Nervous, excited, apprehensive, open house day for preschool.
Andrew and I were emotionally moved too. Our nest is getting a little emptier already. One of my thoughts was, “oh my, we’re sure going to miss this little fireball during the school day!”
“When in doubt, choose the kids, there will be plenty of time later to choose work.”-Anna Quindlen. I will have to keep these words in mind more often.
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