Adventures in Haymarsh

Month: September 2019 (Page 1 of 3)

Storytime & Saucing Tomatoes

Another Rainy Day… The boys donated a lion to the library, a stuffed large one. The librarian used it today for the story.

Heading off to town.
Washing, coring, & quartering the tomatoes.
Setting up the straining set.
Grandpa stopped to see if the boys wanted a hayride. We had to decline since I was in the midst of saucing tomatoes.
Boiling again.
Tomatoes still boiling and Andrew started the pressure cooker.
Ladling the tomatoes in to sterilized quart jars.
When and how will these sauced tomatoes be used? Soup, spaghetti, chilli, salsa, casseroles? Only time will tell!

Turnip picking & Fence Building

I just love our home! I thank God everyday that Andrew had the wherewithal to get it built. It’s so cozy and welcoming on these blustery days.

Home Sweet Home
Picking turnips for Grandpa.
The turnip find.
Building a cross fence.
Digging post holes.
Watching the action.
Cleaning the coop.
Checking it out before the bedding goes down.
Lowering the roost.
Medium sized beam.
Our neighbor had us over to share her different kinds of gourds with us and give us some pie pumpkins.
Cute little gourds!๐Ÿ

Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatoes

We have 168 unripened tomatoes similar to the ones in the left bucket, and I stopped counting at 288 unripened tomatoes like the ones in the right bucket. I suppose we should cover them and the peppers dependent on how the weather is this weekend and next week.

Helping collect and glean over Garden produce.
We had a nice Well Read Mom’s group last night with 5 attendees and one special guest pictured above!
Enjoying a little treat given by Grandma.
Covering the tomatoes.

Fall Baking ๐Ÿ‚

We decided that after we were done with preschool and morning chores, baking cookies would be a great way to warm up the house!ย  A window was left open…One, who shall remain nameless, likes to not turn on the heat until October (I, however, turn on the heat when it is 65 degrees.)

He’s going to take in some football cookies for his class, teachers and bus driver.
Dad’s favorite butterscotch cookies.

Andrew’s cantaloupe

I’m always amazed that this kind of fruit can grow in North Dakota!ย 

He brought in 3 from the Garden tonight and there’s a bunch more out there … and he got three last week.
A dear friend had given me some flowers earlier this summer, they had reached the end of their time since they are summer flowers so I used the same pot and some of the soil and transplanted a bunch of my Marigolds into it to add some Autumn color to the yard.

Autumn Sunshine

The older I get the more I appreciate Fall.ย  Two days in a row of beautiful weather!

The boys helped gather gourds.
Sitting on the big pumpkin.
Riding bike down the big hill.
Grandpa set up a low beam that will be raised slowly as Ambrose’s confidence swells.
The practice beam helped his confidence!

Cattle Drive

We had our longest cattle drive today.ย  We had amazing help, there were some tough spots with other herds and crossing the highway but with the great workers, all ended well!ย  Thank you St. Isidore!ย ย 

Getting ready to start.
The first 2 mile stretch.
Rounding the 2nd to last curve.
The cattle are in one of their Fall pastures. This is the “feeding crew.” I had 7 helpers to help prepare the lunch.
Coming to eat.
Always a successful feeling to have a happy trail drive!

Afternoon Apple Picking

With rain in the forecast for the next two days we went to pick apples after school today so we can process them on the rainy days.

Ignatius, Ambrose, & I planted tulips and daffodils earlier this morning, hope they come up next spring! This is a picture of them being measured out before they were planted.
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