Shoutout for the Duppong farm located just north of us they have some pretty amazing fruit out there!ย  They have U-pick and they’re selling juneberries and cherries right now.

We had more rain last night about half an inch and so with all this rain we get time to pick berries and cherries! Haymarsh is sure lucky to have a lady like Renae around! I like to call her St. Renae.
Grandpa had a bull that went missing in action two days ago when we rounded up the other bulls. Don, our good ol’ neighbor called this morning and said the bull has been located. Don is such an old cowboy it made it easy to get the bull caught.
Letting the bull out.
The bull heading toward his summer job.
We thought we’d run some of those Georgia peaches over to Great Grandma Mary after we picked berries.
On our way home from Great Grandma Mary’s.
I sure appreciate all the hard work Andrew put in to designing and building our home.
Carmine Jewel Cherries & Juneberries!
July 17, 8:03 pm. That cloud looks like it has rain.
8:21 pm