This morning when I woke up I saw that it rained about ten hundredths and was working out the morning with the boys.  Since we couldn’t do much outside we were going to tidy up the house, do some fun crafts but all that changed… at 8:30 a.m. I got a call that our bulls got out.  Typically we turn them out on July 20th, this year we were going to try to do it the last day of July because we do not like April storms, but… the Bulls had different plans for us. There was some stress & excitement getting the Bulls back in where they belonged, but they got delivered to their herds and now our projected start date for calving is April 15th, 2020.  One of my mother’s favorite quotes was “Man plans, but God ordains.” So true!  This afternoon we attended our last baseball game for the season, our six-year-old said he had a ton of fun!

The two heifer bulls being “checked out” by the heifers.
Wind tower crews filling up the roads between our pastures.
Cousins & Teammates (the tall cousin played with the Midgets, the three little ones were Peewees).
A fruit truck from Georgia stopped in Glen Ullin. Peaches and cream! One of God’s greatest gifts to mankind!