Adventures in Haymarsh

New Bulls

It’s that time of year…bull sales!  When fencing this summer, Andrew noticed the neighboring  herd that was next to our herd… He found out that they sold bulls, since Andrew liked the look and shape of the cattle, he picked out a bull and Grandpa was able to bid on it yesterday, Grandpa also bought one for himself.

Grandpa’s bull & Rossette.

Rosette babysitting the new bulls.

Our bull, a bit flighty … I still like the very calm British White bulls we bring in a bit more.

A beautiful view on my drive to town with the children. Andrew attended a meeting in Bismarck for professional growth. Makes my heart ❤️ happy .

The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why. – Attributed to Mark Twain

Beautifully stated…

1 Comment

  1. chuck and mila

    Those angus can be a handful,,, thats what I have been told.

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