A picture Andrew took of his pasture he is dividing in to cells. His little 7 year old assistant is standing on the hill.There he is, an “outstanding” sort of fellow! Andrew probably could be running a range management college course on his work on cell grazing. The results are amazing to see!Moving to their new pasture.Excitedly heading to new grass.I think I’ve made these “Mayday” cookies since college (Since Sara Duppong gave me one for May Day.) The skewer sticks are sharp, but if the children are old enough to handle them, it seems everyone enjoys making them and eating the “bouquet.”Feeding Speckles.Grandpa’s milk cow had her calf, so we’ll have cow’s milk available again. I like it for cooking and baking. Here are Grandpa and Andrew gathering her and her calf. Ambrosia, the previous milk cow became Lucky’s mother so we didn’t have a milk cow for a while. Grandpa really likes this cow, she’s 1/4 Holstein and a mix of Jersey, and Beef.All ready for Sunday “Mass in the basement.” Utilizing the TV. Sounds like Public Masses in church will be available here next week.She is outgrowing some of the baby items, she is now sitting up in this swing bed. Time to pack it away.
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