Adventures in Haymarsh
Learning from the pro!
Ember Days 101
Andrew is encouraging us to participate.
Quote of the Night
Flee idleness… for no one is more exposed to such temptations than he who has nothing to do.
— St. Robert Bellarmine
Quote of the Night
Clearly, what God wants, above all, is our will, which we received as a free gift from God in creation and possess as though our own. When a man trains himself to acts of virtue, it is with the help of grace from God, from whom all good things come … The will is what man has, as his unique possession.— St. Joseph of Cupertino
Today’s Meditation |
“Marriage releases the flesh from its individual selfishness for the service of the family; the vow of chastity releases the flesh not only from the narrow and circumscribed family, where there can still be selfishness, but also for the service of that family that embraces all humanity. That is why the Church asks those who consecrate themselves to the redemption of the world to take a vow and to surrender all selfishness, that they may belong to no one family and yet belong to all. That is why in that larger family of the kingdom of God, the priest is called “Father” —because he has begotten children not in the flesh, but in the spirit.” —Venerable Fulton Sheen, p. 117 |
An excerpt from The Cries of Jesus From the Cross |
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