Adventures in Haymarsh


The frost is so beautiful this morning.

These two ladies are very influential on Andrew and I. The one to the right would have had a birthday today. She was a woman who preached Christ’s way always, sometimes she used words. They are sisters, the one holding our eldest is Andrew’s Grandma (this picture was taken in April 2013). When Margie was still of this world, and she and her sister would be in the kitchen they could outwork 30 year olds. Amazing, faithful, inspirational and God loving women who are not afraid to show the world their faith…I think the world hungers for more of those.


  1. chuck and mila

    Monica, Thankyou, those ladies are and were a big part of everyone in our family. I remember in my youth, Aunt Margie being so much in all our lives and the love and joy her and Aunt Lucille brought all of us.

    • Monica Jacobson

      They are such a great blessing.

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