Adventures in Haymarsh


We lost a big, beautiful, bred, 5 year old, Black Simmental/Cross cow on Saturday.  It’s sad and frustrating because there was no apparent cause of death.  I keep going back to the saying, my Grandma used to say, “If you are going to have livestock, you’re going to have dead stock.” My Dad shared this article he just read, I guess we’re not the only ones.

It’s really fascinating watching the daily patterns of the yearlings and heifers. There is a heifer that always takes the lead and as soon as she starts moving the rest follow. They have a grazing pattern, napping/rest pattern and heading to water pattern.
I know it’s Lent…but yesterday our second and I were grocery shopping and the Valentine’s Day flowers were free, and we just thought there was enough life in the flowers to make a pleasant sight, so it looks a little like spring in the dining room. Also, we had a dusting of snow last night and then a morning rain shower. It’s so dry here, we’ll welcome any kind of moisture. 🌧️
…& now we’re having a snowstorm.
The boys enjoy filling in their Lenten calendars. If any of you mothers of young children would like to use this countdown too, let me know.
She loves to “read” her books.

1 Comment

  1. chuck and mila

    I watch RFD Tv frequently, they have said it seems to be an increasing problem for cattle. Nature has so much good, however has reminders to keeps us on out toes.

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