A Very busy, but good day with nice weather to boot!

Wrapped up one of the fields yesterday.
Setting up the panel corral.
Riding to gather the herd.
Here comes the herd.
Sorting mama cows from calves.
Making sure the panels stay put.
Watching DuckTales & keeping an eye on the herd.
First load dropped off.
Lunch time before loading up the last load.
Stockman picnic.
Gathering the small herd to combine all the cattle.
Waiting for the herd.
I gave Simon a rag weed to help him guard a gate, one of the truckers gave him a real whip, he wrote a thank you tonight to the kind trucker… I guess my ragweed idea wasn’t impressive.
Getting ready to turn the cows in to the pasture.
Out our dining room window at supper time. Deer season opens next week…so I’ve been told… I wonder if the deer will feel comfortable in the open then?