With my Dad being the oldest of 15 children, there’s never a shortage of wonderful cousins that come and visit.  Today, we were blessed to have Karen and her crew come bringing us tons of treats and a beautiful bouquet.  They made the trip to see Grandma and I feel so blessed that Karen felt comfortable enough to swing in for a visit.

Karen, Caleb, Molly, Colby, and Savannah surrounding the Good Shepherd.
Karen, the sweetheart, brought a bouquet for our home.
Grandpa and the boys went to his friend’s farm and picked plums when I hosted my WRM group, Andrew processed some today.
Beautiful and tasty plum jelly.😋
We had an injured cow that we hoped would improve but isn’t and a bull that was recently injured and our local veterinarian recommended that we sell. So we with the help of Don rounded them up tonight.
Andrew checking the herd, they seem unsettled in their new pasture, so we will need to check them frequently.