Our morning started with such promise.  No wind, sunny, and crisp.  Then @ 7:30, we got a call, cows are out.  Andrew, the three little ones, and I got them back in.  Grandpa hauled two quick loads of water from town but all day the herd was uneasy.  Then after Andrew and Ambrose took off to check them, it was decided that after they discovered 5 cows who brought themselves to winter pasture, it was time to move them….the move started after dark and 5 amazing people showed up to help with 15 minutes heads up…we were a friend in need today and we know our good neighbors better, we are blessed to have them.

A full moon to move cattle by.

A full day that ended well.

Here they come.
Are you able to see the cattle?

We had a hydrant have problems…Opp Well & Drilling came and made short work of fixing the problem.