Adventures in Haymarsh

High Density Grazing

It’s that time of the year where we start the high density grazing.  Today, Andrew and the boys moved the electric wire so that the herd can continue to clean up the hay fence before we move them home.

Egg collecting crew.
Piano duet.
When the big boys are in school these two become the best of friends 🥰
Moving the wire from the grazed ditch to the hay fence on Thursday.


  1. Jen

    I still see a bit of snow on the edges. You must have gotten even more after we left!

    • Monica Jacobson

      We have had a few days of dusting of snow, but it melts almost immediately.

  2. chuck and mila

    Monica and Family,, gosh things look dry for spring. The same down here in south Texas.
    If the weather trend is a long one, this area is going to be in dire straights for water.
    Planted corn looking good, however its only up a foot.

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