Adventures in Haymarsh

White Purgatory

It has been tough going since November 10th.  This early, deep, snow has made everything so challenging!  Snow has it’s place… on a slope in a place far away from me. 😂.  Today, we weaned steers.  It seemed like such a daunting task, but as soon as our amazing help showed up, it all went so smoothly!!!  God is so Good!  Praise Him!!!

This morning began in the single digits. We had to warm up half way through weaning. Thank God my two nieces were able to babysit the young children. This young man enjoys outdoor work and is really becoming amazingly capable!


  1. chuck and mila

    Has that Minnesota bull acclimated to North Dakota ?

    Enjoyed the visit with Dad Andrew and His Bosses and Foremem.,, a good crew.

    May you have a Blessed Thanksgiving,,, and many perspective calves.

    chuck and mila

    • Monica Jacobson

      Chuck & Mila,
      Happy Thanksgiving!
      Andrew sure enjoyed visiting with you. So nice that worked out!
      The bull appears happily content with our milk cow, Rossette.
      Blessings on you and yours!

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