Adventures in Haymarsh

Warm Up

We’ve had fairly pleasant weather all week.  It has been very busy, juggling and getting everything done well, but we’re succeeding!

We turned off the Christmas lights this week.
We’ve had a couple parts break on two of our wells, thank goodness Andrew has an engineer mind.
Off to gather eggs.
Little Miss Independent, now that she’s two, she dresses herself, she’s totally fine wearing Daddy’s hat and Big brother’s gloves even though they don’t fit! Ain’t no one going to tell her otherwise. I like the confidence & independence that she is learning, Andrew and I will have to learn to make sure she knows however that every day in her life she needs to be working for a Higher Power… Confidence & Independence are excellent as long as they’re harnessed to God’s Will.
Mr. Smiley 😄
Off to feed the cows!
My Aunt Mary Kay passed away last night, please pray for the repose of her soul.
I love, love it when I see Andrew and any of our children working together on the farm. I know it provides an opportunity for them to bond, the children to ask advice, questions about life, etc. Here they are feeding a bale of hay to the heifers.

1 Comment

  1. chuck and mila

    Hang on,,, spring is around the corner.

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