We hauled the last bale to a hayfence in 2019 today.  A successful feeling indeed!  Andrew & the Boys held down the fort while Grandpa, Grandma & I finished hauling hay for the year.  A personal best of 131 bales hauled today!

Grandpa heading to get the last bale to be hauled to a hayfence this year. I’m pretty proud of our Good Little Minnesota Tractor, our pickup and Grandpa & Grandma’s hay trailer!
Heading to the field this morning.
It was a wintery day…but we got the job done… Praise the Good Lord!
Andrew helped me measure out and pin curtains after we ate supper.
The finished product! This was a fun way to wrap up November with my Better Half. He found an old curtain and challenged me to this project… I said if he’d do the measuring, I’d do the sewing… Thanks Marie for teaching me the basics of sewing!