Adventures in Haymarsh

Strawberry & 4-H🍀

We had another set of twins, the cow only accepted the bull calf and abandoned the heifer, the children named this one Strawberry, she joined Silver in the bottle calf pen.  The boys had 4-H demonstrations awhile back…they made the newspaper.

An Arborvitae for Mother’s Day❤️.
Smelling the tulips 🌷.
Hauling water continues until the Good Lord sends a mighty amount of rain to fill the stock dams.
My new low carb diet…why is it so easy to eat poorly and so hard to eat healthy? Yes, those would be turnips & tomatoes with cottage cheese.

These tulips bring cheer to the front yard…so nice to have them greet us.

He received this today. He really enjoys school and we feel blessed that he does.

1 Comment

  1. chuck and mila

    We have finally got our spring rains here in the south, things are looking much better, may some of it move your way. Much of the corn tasseled out this past week. I don’t know what week maturity they plant locally, but it is looking good.

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