Adventures in Haymarsh


I’ve lost count of days with frost with no wind…our power did flicker today, the lines must be getting heavy.

The chain on the gate on the way to feed the herd.
Grandpa asked us to help with a Memorial meal for Grandma since that’s a Vietnamese tradition. She passed away one year ago yesterday.

Andrew prepared tasty pho with vegetables & jasmine tea, and helped me with horsd’ouvers, fried rice, egg rolls, and wontons.


  1. Jen

    Wow! I donโ€™t think I have ever seen any frost that thick!

    Eternal rest grant onto Anh, May she rest in peace in Godโ€™s heavenly kingdom!

    • Monica Jacobson

      Amen. Thank you Jen.

  2. Mary G

    Loved this post, Monica! God bless you and Andrew and your family!

    • Monica Jacobson

      Thank you so much Mary! I think of you often and hope you are well! God bless your family too!

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