Adventures in Haymarsh

Rodeo Time!

A fun family day, enjoyed by all!  It was good to see Simon’s hard work training his pony pay off at the rodeo today.  We really enjoyed the Grant County Rodeo in Carson, ND.

Ready to Ride!
Andrew trimming Buster’s hooves.
At the Rodeo Grounds bright & early! Rodeo contestants & Ignatius the professional snack eater.
Boot scramble… that’s Ambrose on the way left.
Simon’s 1st Mutton Busting Ride. Daddy looking on from the chutes.
Ambrose & Buster.
New friends!
Chatting with a pal.
Familiarizing Jet to the rodeo arena.
Ambrose rounding the corner with his trusty steed, his John Deere stickhorse.
Cousins & Us.

1 Comment

  1. Bob

    Looks like you had a lot of fun

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