Adventures in Haymarsh


A hot, but fun family day supporting healthy habits/hobbies.  These youth rodeos are fantastic, they really support children building confidence in themselves.

Rodeo crew: Mass first, then off to the rodeo.
Sheep riding chutes. Our 6 year old and 4 year old enjoyed this!
Our 2 year old!
Our 9 year old, goat untying, ask him about his place and the payout!
Flag race, Jet and Star were ridden by the 9, 6, and 4 year olds.
This is from Friday…just too cool not to share, apparently during morning chores this Monarch butterfly landed on his arm, then moved to his hat!

1 Comment

  1. Bob

    Looks like so much fun.
    Lucy has a unique cowboy hat
    You guys are going to have to tell me all about the rodeo when we come out there

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