Adventures in Haymarsh

Potato ๐Ÿฅ” Harvest

We are upheld by our Faith and by uniting our suffering with Christ’s Cross, amazing folks holding us in prayer and by a wonderful distraction of fun work and family here to visit.

Brother Gabriel and I did something right to be bound to these amazing two treasures we call our spouse.
So photogenic.
Grandpa had fun helping us.
Grandpa Bob and Grandma Jen, we have potatoes to share with you, a great yield! Thank you for helping us plant this past spring.
Thank you for the photos Maria.
On this beautiful Sunday, we went to pick more pears and got some very tasty crab apples!

1 Comment

  1. Jen & Bob

    Oh darn it! Wish we could have been potato pickers at the potato harvest, but we will certainly partake in the eating of the potatoes!! MMMMMM! Yummy!

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