Adventures in Haymarsh

Our House!

The snow is making me just want to tell the fellas, “just go home, I’m moving in and going to finish it myself!”ย  Patience does not come easy for me!ย  However, they are doing such a gorgeous job, I’m excited to see what the inside will look like!!!

A good friend of mine who just went through this process last year said building a house is like the labor process of having a child. I feel like we’re at a 7, only 3 more cm to go!

Home Sweet Home!
Gator came home from the shop yesterday… I guess it fits in the garage!


  1. Bob

    Its been a long time. But hold on it will be worth it.

    • Jen Jacobson

      Beautiful home! Canโ€™t wait to see it all completed!

  2. Tiffany Goering

    Looks homey and inviting! I love the character!! It will go faster than you think.
    I understand the feeling of living in slow motion though! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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