Grandpa and the children put in place American Flags by the veterans and KIA soldiers at St. Clements cemetery today.  We always say a prayer after we are finished in appreciation of their sacrifices for the USA and for the repose of their souls.

“Bravely they laid their all upon the altar,
Counting as naught the sacrifice and pain,
Theirs but to do and die without a falter—
Ours to enjoy the victory and the gain.”

– Elizabeth Robbins Berry
The Unknown Dead
Our new registered British White Bull. We feel fortunate that Grandpa and Grandma are willing to run trips for us. They drove to Bison, SD for this dandy bull!
They moved their 9 “school hatched” baby chicks to the chicken coop after Daddy helped them set up the chick pen.
The first 8 rows of sweet corn has popped up…Grandpa and Simon planted some heritage pumpkin seeds in between corn that is growing.
He’s enjoys doing handstands and flips and any other “gymnastics” he can create…after an afternoon of tagging calves, pulling weeds and sweeping out the garage. Oh to have that sort of energy level!
Keeping minds sharp with some summer academic work. These rainy days we’re being blessed with, provide an opportunity for some summer school work.