This is a new one for us.Β  The cousins asked us to lamb sit for them for a few days.

Mary had a little lamb 🎢
Ever since this lamb showed up this morning there’s been much excitement about it.

The ducks and goslings like to come up and say hello to this hard-working man. We ended up with a decent price for the culled cows, mostly due to him sending them to the sale in such great condition. His endless work of mob grazing where he has to move fences every day, makes it so the cows are staying in really good shape. Grandpa is very good about making sure the herds have salt and mineral too.

Mary likes the little, little, Lamb.πŸ‘πŸŽΆπŸ‘
The lamb has been here for around 24 hours and our oldest is already talking about how we may possibly be able to start raising sheep.
The interaction is too cute.πŸ’–πŸ‘πŸ’–