Adventures in Haymarsh

Jeremiah 29:11

Blessed to have such encouraging and supportive friends and family.

For Baby Vincent.
Matching everyday dishes from Bob and Jen & a dozen Roses from Catherine and Anna. ❤️
The Children will like this! Thank you dear friend ❤️

A friend shared this with the book club: a bit of crass language but worth reading:

A Beautiful Sunday 🌞. Family outing checking on the newly weaned calves after Mass.
Grandpa’s generation loved scaling this hill, Andrew and I have scaled this hill during our dating days and now our children are encouraging each other to the summit. ❤️
❤️❤️❤️ God’s Country!❤️❤️❤️
Handsome Chap!
Off to trunk or treating🍬🍭🍬
Cleaning pumpkins.

A serious carver.  Asked to carve a gourde this year.

1 Comment

  1. Bob

    Share your candy with Dad and Mom you kids

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