Adventures in Haymarsh

It’s Official 🙂

It was imperative that the new little calf get a personalized ear tag (if you know our second child, you’ll understand this statement).  Thank goodness for Grandpa and his help… The only thing is we’re going to have to tell Grandpa that it’s spelled Sh ei la!

She’s a cutie!
Gotta 💜 small town papers.
He was able to help out at St. Ann’s too!


  1. chuck and mila

    Is that frost on the ground by momma and Sheila ???? Seeing those little calves out and frisky means spring is close.

    • Monica Jacobson

      Yes that’s frost, Andrew snapped the picture this morning. Happy Anniversary to you and Mila 🙂

  2. chuck and mila

    Thank You Monica and Family,,, my how the time goes by

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