March 25, 2019: First ever Haymarsh Well Read Mom bookclub meeting. So blessed to be journeying with these and the other beautiful Sisters in Christ! We are made for Community!5 years ago. Learning to cherish every moment of motherhood.I got to do chores this morning! So nice to be out “in the fields” with God.Grandpa had an appointment and he needed a driver. So the girls and I had a couple of hours to fill…we went and purchased bread at the Abbey and had a wonderful visit with Fr. Basil. Looking forward to him giving us a family tour this summer. I fondly remember my Mother and I spending a whole day with the brothers learning pottery, learning to stuff a goose, and eating a meal in silence with the monks, brothers, and Priests. Many graces showered on me that day and afterwards, one of my favorite memories with Mom.Grandpa’s friend painted him a Ukrainian Easter Egg. I’m pretty sure one of my Dad’s goals in life is to make friends of everyone he meets.Aesthetic Andrew picked up an Easter Lily.Thank you Robin! Looking forward to this read!What a bookmark Robin!
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